Sunday, May 13, 2012

A VISION FROM THE LORD: The Great Falling Away (Part 3)

NOTE:  In order to fully understand what it is the Lord is saying to The Church in this hour, through this vision, please be sure to read Parts 1 & 2 (if you haven't already) before proceeding.......Thank you!  ***********************************************************************************

Please read the following for Part 3 of The Vision: More Revelation..........


The Lord is not pleased with a lot of the things that are going on in and with The Church in this hour. The Church spends more time on perfecting the art of "having" church, rather than "being"the church! Church folk, know how to church. Church folk know church protocol. Church folk know all the ins-and-outs of church. Church folk have mastered church! Church folk know how to "do" church, but somewhere, somehow, many have forgotten that God never called us to DO church, He called us to BE the church! Many church folk absolutely love going to church, but many have lost their love for God. Many love to go to church services, conferences, conventions, programs, concerts...etc., and really truly enjoy it, but so many do not spend quality intimate one on one time with Him as they should (Revelation 2: 4-5). Many in the church still testify of salvation and sanctification, but so many do not have the lifestyle to back it up. They still have the confession, but not the possession (St. Mathew 7: 20). Many folk within The Church that at one time really loved and lived for God all they knew how, but have somehow been "dooped" by the devil into leaving God (1 Timothy 4:1), but are still GOING to church. They have not quit going to church, but they have quit God (without even realizing it). Still going to church...still confessing...still shouting...still dancing...still speaking in tongues...but just not living right! Many have returned back to drugs, alcohol, sexual immorality, and other habits (and things) they were once delivered from, which further details the fact, that they've left God (Galatians 5: 1 & 7-8; 2 Peter 2: 20-22).

The Church has lowered its standards and lost its purity by dibbling and dabbling in worldly things and allowing those worldly things to operate in the church. The Church is working harder to fit in with, be accepted by, and participate in the things of the world, rather than separating from it (2 Corinthians 6:17). The church wants to look like the world, act like the world, talk like the world, dress like the world, getting tattoos and men wearing earrings. Now of course there is absolutely NO SIN in this, but this is a trick of the enemy to slowly get the church to conform to the things of the World. First the church takes on the appearance of the world....Then we take on the mindset of the world...Then we take on the spirit of the world. Then we start indulging into sinful worldly activities. See, the enemy is cunning. He knows how to make it seem harmless and likes it's no big deal, until he has us where he wants us. We (the church) must not fall for the trick. We (the church) must not conform to the world. There must be a difference (Romans 12: 1 & 2)!

The Church loves to sing, shout, dance, speak in tongues, run across the floor, hear the preacher hoop and holler, play the music and have praise breaks, but lives aren't being changed....hearts and minds aren't being delivered....people aren't being set free (from demonic strongholds)...souls aren't being saved (I mean saved for real)! When the song is done...when the shout is finished...when the tongues have ceased...when the hooping and hollering has been completed and the sermon is over...when the music has stopped...when the praise break has ended...and when church has turned out, people are going back to hormongering, fornication, shacking, cussing, lying, drinking, partying, backbiting...etc...Having some "good" church, but not experiencing "any" change!

For this reason, sin is running rampant in the church and has caused many church folk to essentially have one foot in church and the other in the world (St. Mathew 6: 24; Joshua 24: 15). This is why so much mess, drama, confusion, division, dysfunction and foolishness is now going on in The Church. This has also caused the world to loose major respect for, as well as, interest in The Church. This has made it hard on those that are in the vineyard witnessing and trying to win souls, due to things the world has seen church folk do and heard them say. The world has seen and encountered so many fake Christians, that they think all Christians are fake now. They put all Christians in the same category. They've seen so many Christians talking, testifying, preaching a big game, but not living what they talk, testify and preach a life contrary to what they're claiming and professing. The world sees so many Christians run and throw money at the pulpit (at the feet of the preacher) while the preacher is preaching, but they can't payback money that they've borrowed from them.

Our churches have way more MEMBERS in them, but way less DISCIPLES! There are bigger fancier churches, with more church membership, but not much discipleship! We have “mega churches”, but “micro ministries”....yes, there's a difference (churches house people and hold services, ministries meet needs and serve people)! We have more and more new churches/ ministries opening up, but seemingly less and less souls being won to Christ. It seems that we now have more churches than dope houses, but the dope houses are more filled than many of our churches. Instead of new "un-churched" sheep (new souls) filling our churches, we're swapping sheep, as many church folk are leaving one church going to another, after something happened to make them angry (only to leave this church and go to yet another, after getting upset again...and the cycle continues)...too many church hoppers in the church!! If someone says God has led them to a church, they should stay there until God releases them from that church. God does not give a person a release unless the assignment He sent them there for has been accomplished or the lesson He sent them there to learn has been learned. Sudden displeasure in the church and/or pastor does not grant a person permission to abort their assignment in mid stride. Nor does it permit you to stop in the middle of the lesson before learning it. If the church can't bare church hurt, disappointment and let down now, how will it be able to bare the end time persecution in the future? What if Jesus had aborted his assignment in the Garden of Gethsemane, because the cup was to bitter for him to endure???...the church must arm "her-self" likewise (1 Peter 4:1). In addition to this, many are starting their own ministries after experiencing church hurt and ministering out of a hurt, damaged spirit and from a torn, broken heart. When they should be letting God restore and heal them, they’re starting churches and ministering a hurt word to an already hurting people. Just like the blind cannot lead the blind (Matthew 15:14), neither can the hurt lead the hurt! God is not pleased!


Please revisit WWW.WEEKLYRHEMA.BLOGSPOT.COM next week for Part 4 of this revelatory word from the Lord: Revelation continued! Until then, may Heaven shine upon you!!