Sunday, May 27, 2012

A VISION FROM THE LORD: The Great Falling Away (Part 5)

NOTE: In order to fully understand what it is the Lord is saying to The Church in this hour, through this vision, please be sure to read Parts 1 - 4 (if you haven't already) before proceeding.......Thank you!  ***********************************************************************************
Please read the following for Part 5 of The Vision: Even More Revelation..........


Many ministers have become comfortable with handling the Holy things of God, with unclean hands...carrying out ministry, while carrying iniquity in their heart (1 Corinthians 9:27 & Ephesians 4: 1& 2). Many ministers are taking these same unclean hands and praying for folk, causing demons to be transferred. Too many of our ministers are serving God’s people with filthy hands.  Most people wouldn’t put up with this in a natural sense.  Filthy hands contaminate the food and produces disease causing bacteria and germs on food, which makes those that consume it sick.  Here's a little illustration.  A chef is preparing dinner.  While they're cooking, they're picking their nose and scratching various body parts.  Then they take a break to play with their pets and to use the bathroom.  Then they return to cooking and they've not once washed his or her hands, but just continue to prepare dinner.  Once the dinner was ready, instead of bringing it to you on a nice clean plate, they serve it to you on a nasty, grimy, slimy, disgusting garbage can lid.  Now most people would not receive this food.  The church must hold those that serve and prepare their spiritual food to the same level of accountability. The church must hold there ministers accountable. The church must demand it’s ministers to live HOLY! Too many ministers are proclaiming God’s word with spiritual filth (sin) in their lives and serving the people of God contaminated spiritual food, which is producing spiritual bacteria and germs that is causing many to be spiritually sick! That’s why there’s so many messed up folk in church, because there is too much polluted word being preached!

Instead of leading the sheep, many ministers are now sleeping with the sheep. Ministry is more and more being viewed as a profession, job or career, rather than a calling or a "God ordained" duty. A lot of ministers are in love with ministry, BUT NOT in love with God! They love doing the work of the Lord, but don't spend proper intimate one-on-one time with Him. Many ministers have over inundated themselves with ministry endeavors and engagements, that their personal relationship with God has been adversely affected. Due to an over extensive travel and ministry schedule, they have neglected or shortened the time they spend with God in personal prayer, seeking, fasting, studying, meditation, praise and worship, without even realizing it. As a result of being over extended, they began to abbreviate their devotion time with God, almost unknowingly. As a result, ministers begin studying the word of God just to preach on it, but not studying it to live on. They are "learning it" so they can preach to others, but not receiving in for themselves (there's a big difference between learning the word and receiving the word). Learning it puts the word in your head. Receiving it puts it in your spirit! Learning it gives you knowledge, but receiving it gives you revelation! Knowledge gives you theology, which is good, but revelation gives you Rhema, which changes lives! So they're well learned and but not anointed...they're exegetical (can break down the text), but not consecrated! They have the "expertise", but not the power!

In addition to this, in many cases their marriages tend to suffer as they neglect their spouses (for those that are married), without even realizing. Their children (for those that have children) are also adversely affected as well; as they aren't getting the attention they need either. Without even realizing it, many ministers spend more time speaking into other folk’s lives more than they speak into their family's lives. This is one of the major reasons why divorce and family dysfunction in the church has sky rocketed. Many of our ministers are spending too much time on the road, traveling to minister and are spending way too much time away from their spouses (and children), and for way too long. This gives too much room to the enemy to bring temptation (and other devices) to attack their marriages and rebellion (and other devices), to lead their children astray, in an effort to ultimately destroy their families. This is a trick of the enemy to use God's ministry to harm God's people. God never intended His ministry to be the cause of broken marriages and damaged families. The church must remember that the first ministry we are called to is our marriage (if you have a spouse) and our family (if you have children). The church must learn balance in ministry and in life, and not over stretch themselves with ministry projects and engagements, that they are left with no quality time for their marriage and family. Many are going forth in ministry endeavors, "in the name of the Lord", that God has never even signed off on. Some are even going forth in these ministry projects, in hopes to gain a key to the city, and/or to obtain a great name and notoriety in the community. The Lord says, before someone breaks out in a new ministry, they should ask themselves, "Is this for His glory, or for my own???"

Many pastors have unknowingly and without realizing it (in some cases), positioned themselves as "the face" and focal point of their church's ministry, rather than making Jesus the face and focal point. More and more churches have pictures up in and around the church of the pastor, or pastor and first lady, or pastor, first lady and their children, but NO pictures of Jesus! Who are we pointing the people to, Jesus or our-selves?! Any ministry that has been centered on a man (or woman), will not stand. Ministry MUST be centered on JESUS CHRIST (Ephesians 2:20)!

More and more of our pastors are leading their congregation based upon the latest "church fads", rather than the leading of Holy Spirit. Now-a-days, it seems more and more pastors want to have multiple churches in multiple locations. God did not call everyone to do this! More and more ministers are starting their own denominations and church fellowships. God did not call everyone to do this either! Everyone is not called to the apostolic office, but yet more and more people are calling themselves apostles (Revelation 2:2). By trying to follow the fad, many pastors are putting extra unnecessary financial strain and pressure on their members. With multiple churches, comes multiple rents/ mortgages...multiple utility bills...multiple property insurances...etc. This causes a need for more money, which causes a need for more offerings to be raised and more fund raising events to be had.

More and more churches are having more fundraising endeavors, than soul winning endeavors. There are more and more fundraisers going on, but yet more and more churches are going into foreclosure every day. This is part of the reason why money (or the love thereof), is ruining the church. More often than not, the money raised is misappropriated, misused and abused, and not alwyas used for the purpose it was raised for. Over time (in most cases) this kills the congregation’s zeal and passion for giving, making them apprehensive and hesitant about doing so, as they do not always see the fruit of their giving, as it relates to the church. When members lose their jobs, get laid off and/or fall on hard times, often times they can't receive any financial assistance from the church, yet the church steadily receives their tithe checks/ money.

More pastors are starting to preach/ teach on Malachi 3:10, as an effort to encourage their members to pay more tithes and give more offerings. However the first part of that scripture ("bring all the tithes in the storehouse") is being highlighted upon, but not the second part("that it might be meat in my house"). More and more members of churches are saying, "I'm paying my tithes, BUT WHERE IS THE MEAT?!?!?!"...Who are we helping?...And why is there no meat in the house, so we can help somebody? Often times the only people benefiting is the pastor and those directly connected to him. IF the Church is doing well enough financially to buy the pastor a brand new Benz, surely they can buy one of the single mothers in the membership, currently with no car, a brand new minivan for her and her kids, at least. If the church is doing well enough to buy the pastor a million dollar home, surely it can buy at least $100,000 home for a family in the membership, currently living in the projects. If the church is doing well enough to send the pastor and His family on a lavish vacation, surely they can send one of the married couples in the membership on a weekend get-a-way, all expenses paid (I commend those pastors and churches that already do this type of outreach). For this cause more and more people in the church are using their would-be tithe money to pay bills as many no longer trust the church (I do not condone this by any means. I’m just sharing what God shared with me).

The Church has even polluted praise. The modern church has turned praise into a method of manipulation to try to hoodwink God into giving us whatever we want. The church has prostituted its praise to get God to give them stuff. If I praise Him, He will give me a financial blessing...If I praise Him, He will give me the promotion...If I praise Him, He will give me a new home...If praise Him, He will send me a spouse...If I praise Him he will bring my child out of prison...If I praise Him, He will heal my body...etc. In much the same fashion as the Indians would do, when they danced before their rain gods to entice them to send rain, so too has the church used its dances of praise to entice God to bless them, because after all, “when praises go up, blessings come down.” This is true, praising God will cause blessings to come down, but the church has perverted and abused it's praises to God. God will in deed bless us when we send up praises unto Him. However, we have made getting things from God, the primary purpose for giving Him praise. Getting stuff from God isn't the primary purpose for praise. We are supposed to praise God, because that's what he credited us to do – GIVE HIM GLORY (Revelation 4:11). We were created to glorify God. This is the primary purpose of praise. If he never gives us another blessing, He's blessed us so much over the course of our lives, that we could praise Him none stop for 24 hours a day (straight), 7 days a week (straight), 365 days a year (straight), 10 years a decade (straight), 10 decades a century (straight) AND THAT STILL WOULDN'T BE ENOUGH!! If he chooses to never bless us again, we still have a debt of praise that we owe unto Him for the innumberable amount of blessings He has already bestowed upon us - and we must pay up....WE OWE GOD OUR PRAISE (Psalms 29: 2)!! God is looking for some folk that will worship and praise Him for who He is to them, and not for what He can do for them or what they can get from Him (John 4: 23)!


Please revisit WWW.WEEKLYRHEMA.BLOGSPOT.COM next week (Sunday) for the Part 6 of this revelatory word from the Lord: The Conclusion & Final Plee/ Warning. Until then, may your hearts be filled with the unspeakable joy of the Lord!!!


Sunday, May 20, 2012

A VISION FROM THE LORD: The Great Falling Away (Part 4)

NOTE: In order to fully understand what it is the Lord is saying to The Church in this hour, through this vision, please be sure to read Parts 1 - 3 (if you haven't already) before proceeding.......Thank you!

Please read the following for Part 4 of The Vision: The Revelation Continued..........


The church has become more commercialized and "business" oriented, rather than "Kingdom" oriented. The church is more interested in "stardom" rather than "servant-hood". The Church is now more concerned with becoming popular, rather than being powerful. The church is all about making a name for them-selves and being uplifted and promoted, rather than promoting and lifting up The Lord Jesus Christ (John 12: 32). The Church is more focused on networking, marketability and branding rather than soul winning. The Church is spending more time chasing fame, rather than God's Glory! Instead of pursuing the presence and glory of God, many are working diligently to establish their own glory for themselves! The Church now has fewer TRUE MINISTERS of the Gospel, but rather more BRAND NAMES of the Gospel. The Church is more interested in having titles, positions, offices, degrees, prestige and recognition rather than being holy, sanctified, righteous, and Godly. The Church has become hungry for accolade and recognition rather than being hungry for more of God. The Church is more thirsty for glamor and prestige, rather than the God's presence!

The Church is now driven by gifts, talent, and "know-how", rather than the voice of God and the leading of the Holy Ghost! There are TONS MORE of extremely skillful preachers, but WAY LESS consecrated ones! More and more of our ministers are depending on their own expertise and personal ability rather than the anointing of the Holy Ghost! Many of our ministers are able to eloquently hoop, holler and preach the crowd out of their seats and into a praise break/dance, but aren't able to preach them out of a lifestyle of sin and into a victorious life over sin. Many of our preachers (and gospel artists) now come with a price tag…if you want me to minister at your church or on your event; you have to commit to paying me a certain amount before I will agree to come. In some cases prices are negotiated and others have SET honorariums (nonnegotiable…it is what it is…take or leave it). But Jesus told the disciples, freely you receive, freely you give (Matthew 10: 8). Now I understand that ministry carries an expense.  I also realize that it takes finance to operate ministry.  Additionally, according to the word of God, the workman is worthy of his (or her) hire (1 Timothy 5:18), and definitely should be, must be and desrves to be blessed monetarily.  However many of our ministers have price gouged the people of God with extreme monetary (and other personal) demands.  The Lord is not pleased with His ministers demanding and dictating to His people what they want to be paid….My house shall be a house of prayer but ye have made it a den of thieves (Luke 19:46).

Now preachers are to the church, what strippers are to the strip club...if they do the right thing...say the right thing...hoop the right way...holler just right...and perform well enough, the congregation/audience will throw money at them. There are even some prophets in the land that charge for a word of prophesy. And the more money many of them get, the more corrupt they become. Money is an amplifier of the heart. It magnifies what's already in one's heart. That's why so many people change after they get lots of money. Sometimes things can lie dormant in our hearts and hide deep within us, without us even realizing it. Sometimes things get suppressed way down on the inside of us, and never fully delivered out of us, without us even knowing it (Jeremiah 17: 9 & 10). Money has a way of unlocking the wickedness and impurities of our hearts. It takes those hidden heart issues that are seemingly unnoticeable, and enlarges it, and suddenly they become glaringly noticeable and extremely evident. Often times, these heart issues still aren't noticed until exposed by some scandal or open shameful event. Money also amplifies what’s in the heart of those who may not have a lot of money yet, but are hungry/ greedy for it though. It drives them to do all types of crazy, evil, wicked, manipulative, conniving, ungodly things in order to obtain it. They will compromise there convictions for it…lie for it…cheat for it...betray and backstab another for it…rob and steal for it…and some will even kill for it (1 Timothy 6:10)! EVERYDAY, we (the church) must cry out to God to purify our hearts and give us pure motives and pure intentions (Psalms 51: 10 & Matthew 5: 8).

The modern day ministry has become nothing more than entertainment. It has become more about charisma and less about the anointing. More and more of our ministers have TONS of charisma, but NO anointing. Charisma will make you feel good, but the anointing will destroy the yoke (Isaiah 10:27)! More and more of our Gospel Artists concentrate more on entertaining the crowds that come to see them, rather than ministering to them! Their focus is more on having exotic beats, edgy songs, and choreographed dance routines, rather than true and sincere spontaneous worship and praise that provokes the presence of God. They are able to make folk get loose in their bodies as they move, buck, jump and sway to their songs, but are still bound and shackled in their spirits. Preachers, pastors, bishops, evangelist, apostles and gospel artist...etc., are falling into sin and away from God (but still in church though), which are causing many of their sheep/ followers to fall (Zechariah 13: 7). Some were barely holding on to start with and couldn't maintain their grip in God once they discovered that the individuals that they looked up to and trusted to feed their spirits and mentor their children, couldn't live by their own teachings...or what they were preaching...or what they were singing.

Many of the ministers have forgotten that ministry is meeting people’s need (spiritually, financially, emotionally, and physically). It seems now-a-days; the only needs being met are the pastor’s needs. Many of our ministers have also forgotten that the word "minister" means servant, or to serve. Instead of being a servant of God and serving God's people, they have gotten to the place where they would much rather be served. Many of them have their own personal servants too (i.e...armor bearers). More and more ministers feel as though they need armor bearers now. Now the armor bearer does have an important place in the Kingdom, but many have used, abused, misused, mistreated, disrespected and belittled the armor bearer. Now-a-days, the armor bearer has been reduced to nothing more than a do-boy (or do-girl), errand runner, fetch dog, go-for and personal servant/ this for me...go get that for me...carry my wife's purse...tote my bible...pick up my my door...hold my me...wipe the sweat off my face...where's my water?...etc. The church has gone way overboard with this foolishness!

Titles, offices, and positions, now dominate the Church. In many cases, they are the direct cause of much of the division, discord, disunity, separation, malice, jealousy and strife in the church. Many in the church have set out on ambitious quests to obtain various positions, offices and titles and have done major damage to one another in the process, as they fuss, fight, bicker and backstab each other over them. Politics have over taken the church and stifled the Five Fold Ministry from operating freely in the church. Friendship and the "buddy system" determine who gets ministry opportunities now in the church. Many people are sitting in positions that they have the “letter” (the skills) for, but not the “spirit” (anointing). Many are holding positions they have the expertise for, but are not consecrated for. Many, are carrying titles that they have the talent and ability for, but not the integrity nor do they up hold the standard of holiness…they have the charisma, but not the character…they have the "head" (the know-how), but not the "heart" (humility). We now have less spiritual fathers/ nurturers, but more spiritual dictators/ tyrants. We have more "pastors", but less "shepherds"...YES, there's a difference (John 10: 1-13)!..Pastors manage God’s people, Shepherds lead God’s people.

Many of our ministers have lost their humility, as they have allowed their titles/ positions/ offices/ degrees to go to their heads. According to Ephesians 4:11-12, these titles and offices are extremely important to the church, but many have polluted these roles, as they have taken on high minded, high and mighty, arrogant and proud spirits, while exhibiting a better than thou attitude with a since of entitlement. Others are doing the work of God, but not maintaining righteous integrity and Godly character, nor upholding the holy standard of God. Many are operating in God's ministry work, while sin is ACTIVELY operating in their lives (St. Matthew 7: 21-23).


Please revisit WWW.WEEKLYRHEMA.BLOGSPOT.COM next week for Part 5 of this revelatory word from the Lord: Even more revelation! Until then, may His peace be with you until we meet again!


Sunday, May 13, 2012

A VISION FROM THE LORD: The Great Falling Away (Part 3)

NOTE:  In order to fully understand what it is the Lord is saying to The Church in this hour, through this vision, please be sure to read Parts 1 & 2 (if you haven't already) before proceeding.......Thank you!  ***********************************************************************************

Please read the following for Part 3 of The Vision: More Revelation..........


The Lord is not pleased with a lot of the things that are going on in and with The Church in this hour. The Church spends more time on perfecting the art of "having" church, rather than "being"the church! Church folk, know how to church. Church folk know church protocol. Church folk know all the ins-and-outs of church. Church folk have mastered church! Church folk know how to "do" church, but somewhere, somehow, many have forgotten that God never called us to DO church, He called us to BE the church! Many church folk absolutely love going to church, but many have lost their love for God. Many love to go to church services, conferences, conventions, programs, concerts...etc., and really truly enjoy it, but so many do not spend quality intimate one on one time with Him as they should (Revelation 2: 4-5). Many in the church still testify of salvation and sanctification, but so many do not have the lifestyle to back it up. They still have the confession, but not the possession (St. Mathew 7: 20). Many folk within The Church that at one time really loved and lived for God all they knew how, but have somehow been "dooped" by the devil into leaving God (1 Timothy 4:1), but are still GOING to church. They have not quit going to church, but they have quit God (without even realizing it). Still going to church...still confessing...still shouting...still dancing...still speaking in tongues...but just not living right! Many have returned back to drugs, alcohol, sexual immorality, and other habits (and things) they were once delivered from, which further details the fact, that they've left God (Galatians 5: 1 & 7-8; 2 Peter 2: 20-22).

The Church has lowered its standards and lost its purity by dibbling and dabbling in worldly things and allowing those worldly things to operate in the church. The Church is working harder to fit in with, be accepted by, and participate in the things of the world, rather than separating from it (2 Corinthians 6:17). The church wants to look like the world, act like the world, talk like the world, dress like the world, getting tattoos and men wearing earrings. Now of course there is absolutely NO SIN in this, but this is a trick of the enemy to slowly get the church to conform to the things of the World. First the church takes on the appearance of the world....Then we take on the mindset of the world...Then we take on the spirit of the world. Then we start indulging into sinful worldly activities. See, the enemy is cunning. He knows how to make it seem harmless and likes it's no big deal, until he has us where he wants us. We (the church) must not fall for the trick. We (the church) must not conform to the world. There must be a difference (Romans 12: 1 & 2)!

The Church loves to sing, shout, dance, speak in tongues, run across the floor, hear the preacher hoop and holler, play the music and have praise breaks, but lives aren't being changed....hearts and minds aren't being delivered....people aren't being set free (from demonic strongholds)...souls aren't being saved (I mean saved for real)! When the song is done...when the shout is finished...when the tongues have ceased...when the hooping and hollering has been completed and the sermon is over...when the music has stopped...when the praise break has ended...and when church has turned out, people are going back to hormongering, fornication, shacking, cussing, lying, drinking, partying, backbiting...etc...Having some "good" church, but not experiencing "any" change!

For this reason, sin is running rampant in the church and has caused many church folk to essentially have one foot in church and the other in the world (St. Mathew 6: 24; Joshua 24: 15). This is why so much mess, drama, confusion, division, dysfunction and foolishness is now going on in The Church. This has also caused the world to loose major respect for, as well as, interest in The Church. This has made it hard on those that are in the vineyard witnessing and trying to win souls, due to things the world has seen church folk do and heard them say. The world has seen and encountered so many fake Christians, that they think all Christians are fake now. They put all Christians in the same category. They've seen so many Christians talking, testifying, preaching a big game, but not living what they talk, testify and preach a life contrary to what they're claiming and professing. The world sees so many Christians run and throw money at the pulpit (at the feet of the preacher) while the preacher is preaching, but they can't payback money that they've borrowed from them.

Our churches have way more MEMBERS in them, but way less DISCIPLES! There are bigger fancier churches, with more church membership, but not much discipleship! We have “mega churches”, but “micro ministries”....yes, there's a difference (churches house people and hold services, ministries meet needs and serve people)! We have more and more new churches/ ministries opening up, but seemingly less and less souls being won to Christ. It seems that we now have more churches than dope houses, but the dope houses are more filled than many of our churches. Instead of new "un-churched" sheep (new souls) filling our churches, we're swapping sheep, as many church folk are leaving one church going to another, after something happened to make them angry (only to leave this church and go to yet another, after getting upset again...and the cycle continues)...too many church hoppers in the church!! If someone says God has led them to a church, they should stay there until God releases them from that church. God does not give a person a release unless the assignment He sent them there for has been accomplished or the lesson He sent them there to learn has been learned. Sudden displeasure in the church and/or pastor does not grant a person permission to abort their assignment in mid stride. Nor does it permit you to stop in the middle of the lesson before learning it. If the church can't bare church hurt, disappointment and let down now, how will it be able to bare the end time persecution in the future? What if Jesus had aborted his assignment in the Garden of Gethsemane, because the cup was to bitter for him to endure???...the church must arm "her-self" likewise (1 Peter 4:1). In addition to this, many are starting their own ministries after experiencing church hurt and ministering out of a hurt, damaged spirit and from a torn, broken heart. When they should be letting God restore and heal them, they’re starting churches and ministering a hurt word to an already hurting people. Just like the blind cannot lead the blind (Matthew 15:14), neither can the hurt lead the hurt! God is not pleased!


Please revisit WWW.WEEKLYRHEMA.BLOGSPOT.COM next week for Part 4 of this revelatory word from the Lord: Revelation continued! Until then, may Heaven shine upon you!!


Sunday, May 6, 2012

A VISION FROM THE LORD: The Great Falling Away (Part 2)

NOTE: In order to fully understand what it is the Lord is saying to The Church in this hour, through this vision, please be sure to read Part 1 (if you haven't already) before proceeding.......Thank you!

Please read the following for Part 2 of The Vision: The Revelation..........


I eventually went back to lay down, trying to finish calming myself down. As I lay there, I begin to ponder and meditate on everything I had seen in the vision. Suddenly, I remembered something my mother use to tell me when I was a young boy, about the falling away of the saints in the last days. She would say, "There will be people that really and sincerely loved and lived for God, but in the last days, some of those same people will fall away and lose their love for God". Then a little later, as I was driving to work, the Lord began to give me insight and revelation regarding the vision.

The Lord let me know that the gigantic building full of people, dressed like they were going to church, represented "THE CHURCH" (The Body of Christ). When he told me that, it made more since to me why everyone was dressed for church. The Lord then let me know that the event we were all waiting on to take place, was "THE RETURN OF JESUS CHRIST" (The Rapture).

The Lord let me know that while the Church is waiting on Christ's return, an earthquake (The Great Shaking) is taking place and many in the Church are falling away from the faith in the meantime. So those individuals, that I saw falling out of the windows, represent "THE GREAT FALLING AWAY". The fact those that fell seem to fall and fall and fall (seemingly forever), further details the severity of the fall. This was not a slip. This was not a stumble. This was not a trip. This was not an accident. This was not a mistake. This was a GREAT FALL!! The Lord also let me know that those I saw sliding across the floor, represents "A BACKSLIDING CHURCH"!!

The Lord let me know that the pole that I saw that had not been affected by the earthquake represents three things. The first thing it represents is The Alter. The Lord began to let me know that The Church has abandoned the altar. Many churches/ministries don't even have prayer/tarry services any more. They have mid-week services. Mid-week service is good in its place, but it's always a good thing to let the saints of God come get on their faces before God and linger/wait (tarry) in His presence until yokes are broken and change takes place. In abandoning the altar, The Church has lost it’s "seek".

The Church has lost the zeal and passion for seeking God. The Church now spends more time seeking God's "hand" rather than His "face". The Church seeks Him for stuff, but not for more of Him. The Church seeks after material gain, but not to gain a closer deeper more intimate relationship with Him. The Church seeks for more money...more this...more that...but not for more power! The Church has miss prioritized it's seek. The Church is seeking for things but not for the Kingdom....but Mathews 6:33 instructs us to seek first the Kingdom of God and all of these "things" will be added. It's time for The Church as a global body of believers to tie on to the horns of the altar and seek the face of God. It's time to cry out to him like never before (Isaiah 55: 6 & 7). It's time to wail and travail on the altar seeking God's face, in the spirit of repentance, until true deliverance, breakthrough and healing (for the inner man) is manifested (2 Chronicles 7:14).

The Lord let me know that the second thing the pole represented was the Word of God. When he told me this, my mind immediately went to that old famous saying we always say in church, "Everything is going down, but the Word of God!" In the dream, the pole was the only thing that was not affected by the earthquake. Everything else was in shambles. Everything else was torn and ripped apart. Everything else was pretty much destroyed, but that pole was still strong, shiny and brand new. Jesus told the disciples in Luke 13:31, "Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words will not pass away". David said in Psalms 119:11, "Thy Word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against thee". Too many church folk are still tipping and dipping, ducking and dodging, slipping and sliding, lying and cussing...etc., because they don't have enough Word in them. Proverbs 3:3 further details this, instructing us to write His commandments (the word) on the table of our hearts. It's time for us to get so deep in God's Word that His Word actually takes up residence and lives inside of us (John 15:7)! It's time to really get The Word waaaay down on the inside.

The Lord let me know that just because an individual is able to quote scriptures word for word, line for line, sentence for sentence and paragraph for paragraph, doesn't mean the Word is in them. Furthermore, just because that individual can tell exactly where the scripture can be found at, also doesn't mean that the Word is in them. The Lord gave me a little illustration to further drive home this point. One may be able to quote Exodus 20:16, "Thou shalt not bear false witness (lie) against thy neighbor". An individual may be able to quote this scripture to the "T", and may also be able to tell where that passage can be found, but IF they are still telling lies (bearing false witness), that Word IS NOT IN THEM YET!!! The Word becomes in you, when you can DO WHAT IT SAYS (OBEY IT)!!! The Word becomes in you, when you can actually and literally walk it out!...better yet, LIVE IT!! Once we can do this, we become "living epistles"...walking, moving, breathing, living scriptures, written not on paper, but in our hearts (2 Corinthians 3: 2 & 3).

The third thing the pole represents is JESUS CHRIST! The Bible declares in John 1:1, "In the beginning was he Word and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." John 1:14 picks it up there and says, "And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the father, full of grace and truth." This passage of scripture is a direct reference to Jesus Christ!! The only way that we can keep from falling away, is to be so wrapped up, tied up and tangled up in Jesus, that nothing can shake us loose! The only place of safety and refuge from The Great Falling Away, is IN JESUS (John 15:4-7 & Proverbs 18:10)!! It's time to cry out to the Lord and call on Jesus like never before, as He is our ONLY place of security (Roman 10:13 & Acts 2:21).

The Lord began to let me know that we are in the last days and that The Great Falling Away (2 Thessalonians 2: 3) is taking place RIGHT NOW!!!! He did not inform me of how long we had already been in it for, nor did he inform me of how long it was supposed to last for, but he did let me know that The Falling Away is happening now!


Please revisit WWW.WEEKLYRHEMA.BLOGSPOT.COM next week for Part 3 of this revelatory word from the Lord: More revelation received during time of devotion and meditation. Until then, BLESSINGS!!!