Thursday, September 13, 2012

Order in The Church!!

Foundational Text: St. Matthew 21:12-14
(Scripture References: St. Mark 11:15-17; St. Luke 19:45-47; St. John 2:13-17)

There is a serious epidemic that is methodically spreading throughout the Body of Christ, as more people are beginning to view ministry as a job or occupation, rather than a God ordained duty. More of our ministers are starting to look at ministry as a means to make money, rather than a mandate that God has placed on their lives. More and more individuals are now entering ministry with the idea and mindset of it being a career move, rather than service that God has called them to do. The modern church has slowly turned ministry into enterprise and big business.

Modern ministry is gradually getting away from being a kingdom movement and is matriculating into a money movement. Ministry now is being used as a vehicle or devise to generate money. In the modern church, the "main" focal point of ministry is no longer to carry out and fulfill God's agenda, which is soul-winning. However the "main" focal point of ministry in the modern church is to fulfill and carry out man's agenda, which is to make money. Now there is no refuting the fact, that it takes money to do ministry. It takes finances to drive ministry. However we are living in a day and time, where more and more money is being raised in the name of ministry, but not being used for the purpose of ministry, but rather for self gain (in many cases). This has resulted in a decrease and decline of real, true "good shepherds" and a rise and increase of "hirelings" in the church. As a further result, the holy and sacred things of God have been defiled and desecrated.

In our foundational text, we find a similar scenario, as Jesus enters the Temple of God, and finds that money-changers, merchandisers, profiteers, and other shysters have set up shop, right in the outer courts of the Temple. These were money hungry, finance driven individuals, that were bound and determined to make a profit, even if it meant exploiting innocent (and poor) people to do so. These individuals were so dead set on making money, they were even willing to desecrate God's holy Temple in the process. They sold animals to those that came to worship the Lord, but had nothing to sacrifice. However, they sold these animals at excessive fees and exorbitant rates, abusing, misusing and manipulating the people of God, right in the House of God. Their soul purpose and intention for being there was to "prey" on those individuals that just came to "pray". The innocent (and the poor) were simply there to get in contact with God, connect with His presence, and have an encounter with His Glory. In stead, they were being extorted and taking advantage of, right in God's house. For this cause, Jesus chased them out of the Temple, saying, "My House shall be called a house of prayer, but you have made it a den of thieves".

This is exactly what is going on in the Body of Christ today, as commercialism is gradually taking over the modern church. The modern church has mastered marketing and merchandizing for the sake of making money, but has done it, in the name of the Lord. As the church has become more commercialized, there has been a shift in the mindset of many of God's ministers and preachers, as more of them have become more finance focused and less Kingdom focused. Money has become the dominate driving force in modern ministry, rather than the Holy Spirit. Now-a-days, revivals and conferences are no longer for the purpose of soul-winning and the edification of the church, but rather they have become nothing more than high profiled fundraisers (in many cases). Ministry in the modern church is gradually becoming nothing more than a glorified business transaction. Yes, we know that money answers all things, according to Ecclesiastes 10:19. We also know that the laborer (the minister) is worthy of his (or her) reward, according 1 Timothy 5:18. However, we're living in a day and time where ministry now comes with a price tag attached to it. More and more profiteering preachers (as well as singers and musicians) are coming forth in these last days. Many are now pimping out and merchandizing their God-given ministry gifts for monetary gain, and NOT for the advancement of the Kingdom. There has also arisen Prophets in the land that prostitute the prophetic. They only prophesy to those that come with a monetary gift of a certain amount ($1000 line...$500 line...$100 line...etc.).

Many ministers (singers and musicians also) are now price gouging the people of God with excessive financial demands and unreasonable monetary requirements. It is becoming a normality, for preachers to have extremely high, preset, non-negotiable (in many cases) honorariums, that they demand before agreeing to come minister......If you can't agree to pay me this amount, I can't come......If you aren't able to commit to this price, I will not be able to minister for you......I can't do it for no less than this amount......This is my required fee, take it or leave it......As a result, many of God's ministers (including singers and musicians) are losing their love for God and are taking on the love of money, and don't even realize it. Many have unknowingly lost the spirit of God, and have taken on the spirit of greed. Their love for God has slowly been replaced by their love for money. The love of money is so powerful that it will cause people to do things they wouldn't normally do. The love of money is so overwhelmingly strong, that it is causing many of God's ministers to be willing to do whatever they deem necessary, in order to obtain more of it. This includes, cheating, scheming, manipulating, deceiving and taking advantage of God people, in the process, right in God's House......and all for the "sake" of ministry. Further more, according to 1 Timothy 6:10, "The love of money is the root of all evil". As their ever growing insatiable appetite for money increases, other areas of wickedness eventually begin to show up and be manifested in their lives.

Money is an amplifier of the heart. Whatever is in the heart of a person, money has a way of exposing it. According to Jeremiah 17:9, "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked. Who can know it"? Sometimes things can lie dormant way deep down in our hearts and we may not even realize it. However, money has a way of magnifying the hidden issues and agendas of our hearts, until they become glaringly noticeable and very evident. Other times, God may have delivered us from certain works of the flesh and iniquities of the heart, but if we allow the love of money to consume us, it has a way of reviving, rekindling and re-awakening those once delivered areas and cause them to resurface in our lives. Additionally, the love of money, has a way of opening us up to many other evil seducing spirits, as well.

This is so evident in the modern church, as more and more preachers have taken on the spirit of lust, fornication, sexual immorality, adultery, and perversion. More ministers are now getting involved with extra martial affairs than ever before, having both wives (or husbands) and girlfriends (or boy friends). More pastors are now carrying on sexual relationships with members of the very flock that God has chosen them to lead and sleeping with the very sheep that God has called them to feed. Additionally, there has also been a major rise in ministers that have taken on the spirit of homosexuality, lesbianism and even pedophilia (pedophile spirit), engaging in same sex and under age sexual affairs, all while still working in ministry.

This is further evident , as more and more ministers are also taken on the spirit of pride, arrogance, haughtiness, and high-mindedness. More ministers are beginning to let their big titles, high positions, and fancy degrees go to their heads. Some ministers become extremely upset and very angry if someone mistakenly addresses them without using their proper handle or title (Dr...Apostle...Prophet...Prophetess...Bishop...Reverend...Pastor...First Lady...Evangelist...etc). According to Ephesians 4:11-13, these roles are of extreme importance to the Body of Christ, but many in the church have taken on a "sense of entitlement" and a "better than attitude". They have allowed these positions and title to cause them to look down their noses at others.

More minister have appointed unto themselves armor-bearers to carry their brief cases, bibles, coats, and shawls as they have become to important (in their own minds) to carry it themselves. The modern church has totally misused and abused the purpose of the Armor-bearer. We as ministers must understand that God assigns the armor-bearer, not we ourselves. When God assigns an armor-bearer to one's life, there is a two fold purpose, mentor-ship/discipleship and servant-hood. The modern church has the latter part (servant-hood) down pact, but has neglected to focus on the first part (mentor-ship and discipleship). As a result, modern ministry has subjugated the armor-bearer to being nothing more than a do-boy (or do-girl), go-for and personal slave, but have not deposited anything into the lives of the armor-bearer in the process.

God intends for His ministers to be mentors to the armor-bearer. He intends for the ministers to teach the armor-bears the ways of spiritual discipline and help them discover their calling for ministry, grow in their ministry giftings and walk in their God ordained purpose. Just by being connected to the minister in this capacity, the armor-bearer should develop a more intense prayer life, a more in-depth study life, and a more passionate worship life. The minister should help usher the armor-bearer into a closer more intimate relationship with God. In return, the armor-bearer provides assistance and service to the minister for the purpose of ministry. By the time this God-ordained assignment is completed, (according to 2 Kings 2:9-15), a double anointing of the mantle that rested upon the mentor, shall be released upon the armor-bearer. This is God's method of establishing and maintaining a progressive line of ministry in the Kingdom. This insures that the work of God continues with even greater effectiveness and even more power, with each level of succession (every round goes higher and higher and from glory to glory). The modern church has perverted this principle by appointing unto themselves their own armor-bearers. Mean while, absolutely NO impartation is being made, but rather the modern church is taking advantage of the armor-bearer's service, while misusing and abusing them in the process.

This is even more evident, as more preachers are taking on a spirit of self worship and self glorification. Many preachers are now taking the gifts that God has graced and favored them with, for the edification of the church and the advancement of the kingdom, and using them for self advancement. In the process, they have generated huge followings and supporters. These supporters have slowly fallen into idle worship, without even realizing, as they have begin to look upon these ministers as "superstars" and have transitioned from being supporters to star struck fanatics. Instead of re-directing and pointing the people back to God, many preachers are now embracing their new found "stardom" and "rock-star" celebrity status, and have built successful "brands" in the process. The ministers of God should reiterate to the people of God, that he or she is ONLY a vessel and servant of the most high God, NOTHING MORE!! By not doing this, many ministers have made themselves the face and foundation of their ministries, and not the Lord Jesus Christ, without even knowing (in some cases). As a result of these ministers continuing to walk in error, they have also caused many of their followers to unknowingly be in error as well. According to Ezekiel 28:1-19 and Isaiah 14:4-23, this is the same thing that Lucifer did.

Lucifer means "son of the morning (or dawn)". Some other translations are "the shining one" or "the shining star" or "light-giving". This is important to know because this helps us to understand that Lucifer's soul purpose for existence was to "in essence", shine the spotlight on God, making Him the center of attention, the main attraction, and main (only) object of worship, in the Kingdom of Heaven. However, at some point he was uplifted in pride and started shining for himself, and not for God. He took the gift that was given to him by God, for the purpose of bringing glory to God, and used it for self glorification. He was so gifted, that he literally mesmerized a third of the angels in Heaven, causing them to take their eyes off and turn their hearts from God, and started worshiping him as god. For this cause, he was thrown out of Heaven (St. Luke 10:18).

So you see, the love of money is a very powerful, seductive and overwhelming evil that has infiltrated the church. Many in the church have fallen victim to this evil and have been over taken by the love of money. For this cause, many have been opened up to divers fowl spirits and have indulged in various works of wickedness, while still actively operating in ministry. As a result, this has caused the holy things of God to be desecrated and defiled, just as the merchandisers did when they stationed themselves in the Temple of God. The sanctity of God's ministry has been perverted by people operating in ministry with filthy hands, wicked hearts, and unpure motives. The sacred office of the Pastor is being defiled by wolves in sheep's clothing, misusing and abusing God's people. The holy House of God is being polluted because the church now allows any and everything to go on in God's house. God's Bride (The Church) has lost her purity, by not upholding God's holy standard of living. God's people are being manipulated and taken advantage of, by profiteering preachers.

God is ready to unleash major revival upon the earth, as detailed in Joel 2:28-32. However, He must first put His church back into order. God is ready to make every crooked place straight, pertaining to the church, His bride (Isaiah 40:4-5 & Isaiah 45:2). Just as Jesus ran the merchandisers out of the Temple in our foundational text, the Lord is getting ready to remove every crooked and corrupt ministers (along with singers and musicians), and do a spiritual overhaul through out the Body of Christ. Just like God kicked Lucifer out of the Heaven, the Lord is getting ready to evict and expel of every minister (singers and musicians included) that has misrepresented Him and taken advantage of His people. God will not allow Himself to continue to be misrepresented. God will not allow His people to continue to be mistreated and mislead. God will not allow His church to continue to be violated and victimized. God will protect His people and restore His church!

While the merchandisers were set up in the Temple of God, no miracles were happening. No healings were taking place. However, as soon as the shysters were driven out, the anointing came in! After Jesus kicked the profiteers out and brought order back into God's house, He began to perform miracles, healings and other wondrous works right there at the Temple. God begin to let me know that the Glory of God cannot show up as strongly as God desires it to, because the church is out of order. Due to the church being out of order, the anointing of God has been hindered from operating in the manner that God would have it. The power of God has been stifled from moving as mightily as God would like to, because the church is out of order. God is calling His bride (the church) back into a place of Divine Order and Kingdom Alignment, so that He might pour out His spirit upon all flesh, and cause Acts 2:17-21 to be manifested in the earth.

Are you in Kingdom Alignment? Is your life in God's Divine Order? Could it be that the promises of God have not came to fruition in your life, because you're out of order? Could it be that the prophecies that have been spoken over your life have not come to pass, because you're out of order? Could the mere fact that you're out of order be the reason, your body isn't healed yet?...or the reason your children aren't saved yet?...or the reason your still in poverty?...or the reason God hasn't shown up in your situation as you desire?...It's time for every single last individual, that names the name of Christ to examine themselves (2 Corinthians 13:5). We must ask ourselves, is God getting the TOTAL glory out of my life?...Am I allowing God to use me to the maximum capacity that He wants to?...Have I completely surrendered and submitted every area of my life to Him?...Am I fully persuaded and committed to carrying out His agenda, and not my own?...Let's make very sure that we're walking, living and operating 100% in the ordinances of God!......

Please revisit WWW.WEEKLYRHEMA.BLOGSPOT.COM next week for another Rhema Word from the Lord. Until then, may the blessing of God be upon your life.


Sunday, August 12, 2012

Will the REAL CHURCH please stand up?!

Foundational Text: St. Luke 13: 10-16
(Highlighted Scripture: St. Luke 13:11)

The church has reached the Golden Age as it relates to ministry. The church is now more creative and more innovative than it has ever been. The church is more well versed and well rounded regarding the operations of ministry. Many of our ministers are more knowledgable and business savy than ever before. The church has even perfected promotions and marketing strageties pertaining to ministry work. Additionally, the church has even learned how to utilize technology in order to enhance ministry. However, this has been both a virtue and a vise to the church. It has been both good and bad...both helpful and harmful...both an upgrade and a downfall.

This has benefited the church greatly, as it has allowed the church to perform relevant ministry in these 21st Century times. Simultaneously, it has hindered the church because it has caused the church to have an adverse shifting of the mind. Many in the church have slowly become more business minded rather than kingdom minded. Many in the church have become more financially driven rather than purpose driven. Almost unknowingly (in some cases), many in the church have misprioritize their core values, as more emphases has been put on the next business endeavor, rather than the next evangelism endeavor. Without even realizing it (in some cases), many in the church have become more focused on business ventures rather than missions and outreach endeavors. Money drives and fund raisers have now become more important than soul-winning.

In our foundational text we find a woman with an infirmity. This infirmity has caused her to be bowed or slumped over and she can no longer stand up straight nor walk uprightly. This woman respresents the "False Church". She once stood for God, but she has now allowed herself to be overtaken with the works of the flesh which has opened a door for the iniquities of her heart to be manifested in her life. As a result, she has now been bound and weighted down by sin and strongholds. She can no longer walk uprightly before the Lord, for she has lost her once glorious status as the "Bride of Christ" and has now become a harlot unto the world. She no longer upholds the holy standard of living and righteousness, that God originally called her to. She can not stand up straight but rather she is bent over and her face is now positioned toward the earth. She now looks upon the ground and her vision is now in the dirt.

The earth/ ground/ dirt represents the flesh. According to Genesis 2:7, God reached down into the ground of the earth and from the dust of the dirt, he created man. So we see this woman no longer does as David declared, in Psalms 121:1 & 2..."I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help comeh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth". This "False Church" no longer relies on the strength of God, but rather her own strength. The "False Church" no longer depends on the anointing of God, but rather her own charisma and talents. The "False Church" no longer leans on the ever lasting arms of the Lord, but rather her own business savy and expertise.

In our highlighted scripture (St. Luke 13:11), we understand that this woman had been with this infirmity for 18 years. An infirmity is an ailment caused by mental and/or physical weakness, or a lack of strength. This is exactly were the "Body of Christ" (the global church) is today. The church is now carrying out ministry in the realm of the flesh rather than the spirit, and as a result, has lost power with God. The church has rendered herslf powerless, to effectively carry out the assigment mandated to her by God. The church still has the form and image of God, but not the power and anointing of God (2 Timothy 3:5).

The Lord ordained ministry to be the vehicle where by the Kingdom of God would be established in the earth. However, it appears that more and more ministers are working hard to establish a kingdom for themselves, here on earth. It seems that more and more of our pastors have become more interested in building buildings, rather than building people. More and more pastors have become more focused on the growth of membership rather than the growth of discipleship. The modern church has lost sight of what ministry really is. Ministy is meeting needs. However, in this modern church era, it seems that the only needs being met are those of the pastor's. We must understand that church does not exist for the benefit of the pastor only, but it exist for the benefit of entire church body (Acts 2:44-47).

Many in the church has strayed away from God's original intent for ministry, as they have polluted it by chasing their own lustful ambitions. We as ministers must remember that God doesn't do anything, just for us. He does it for the sake and benefit of His people. In His infinite wisdom and sovereignty, He just chooses to use or work through us to do it. We (the ministers of God) must ALWAYS point the people back to Him! Ministry is suppose to promote and uplift the name of the Lord and cause the hearts and minds of many, to be turned toward Him, through the preaching/ teaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ and the show His of love. However, ministry is being turned into name branding and self promotion in the modern church. We have less and less true ministers of the gospel and more and more brand names of the gospel. The today's version of ministry is not being used for the advancement of the Kingdom and the glory of God, but rather self advancement and self glorification. However the Lord delcared, in St. John 12:32..."If I be lifted up from the earth, I will draw all men unto me". And because the flesh is being up lifted more than God, this has prevented God from unleashing major revival in the earth. Souls aren't being won to Christ as they should be, because the modern church is spending more efforts exalting flesh and not God!

Another thing that stuck out to me from our highlighted scripture, is the number 18. This woman from the text had this infirmity for a total of 18 years. The number 18 is a multiple of 6. It is 6 three times (6 + 6 + 6). The number 666 is the mark of the beast or anti-christ. And because the modern church has begun to operate in ministry through the realm of the flesh, it has taken on and is carrying out an anti-christ agenda, without even knowing it. Many in the church are doing what they call ministy, in the name of the Lord, but they are operating under the influence of an anti-christ spirit, and don't even realize it. Anytime we begin to make ourselves the main attraction, rather than God, we have fallen into self worship. This is the working of the anti-christ spirit. Although the anti-christ himself has not been revealed, the anti-christ spirit is already at work (2 Thessalonians 2:3-7). Anti-christ means, against christ or away from christ. Which simply means the agenda of the anti-christ is to turn hearts and minds of people away from Christ Jesus, and entice them to chase their own lustful fleshly desires. When this happens, we become self pleasers, rather than God pleasers. The Bible declared that this day would come, as detailed in 2 Timothy 3:1-4, "(1) This know also, that in the last dasy perilous times shall come. (2) For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient, to parents, unthankful, unholy, (3) Without natural affection, truce breakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, (4) Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God".

By indulging in self worship, many in the church have strayed away from the path and plan of God for their lives and have fallen captive to the sinful works of the flesh which have unlocked the iniquities of their heart. As a result of not being true standard-bearers for Christ and not walking uprightly before the Lord, the modern church has become a stumbling block to many in the world. This has caused many in the world to be turned away from God rather than drawn to Him, as they have seen to many people that claim to represent God, do and say some ungodly things. This has left them with a bad taste in their mouths and helped harden their hearts toward the Lord.  Poor representation of Christ has brought shame and embarrassment to the "body of Christ" as well as dishonor to the Lord's holy name.

From the midst of the "False Church", God is calling the "Real Church"! God is now summonsing a people to come forth and be the church He ordained them to be. God is looking for someone that will walk up right and stand firm on the principals of His holy word and not compromise. God wants a remnant of folk that will rise up in the midst of a "False Church" and stand for holiness and Godliness. God is beckoning for somebody to stand when others are taking down and straying from the path of righteouness.

Are you apart of that remnant? Are you one of the people that God is searching for? Are you one of the individuals that God is now calling and beckoning for? If you are, then, answer the call! God is waiting on you! Stand up and be a reflection and an example of Christ in the earth. Yes, He understands that we're not perfect, but He just doesn't want us to be fraudulent. If we say we represent God, then, He wants us to live like it. He wants us to represent Him in the "beauty of holiness" (Psalms 29:2). He knows we have our ups and downs...our hick ups and hang well as our faults. However, according to 1 John 1:9, God wants us to come lay those short comings down at the alter, and allow Him to wash us, cleanse us, purge us and deliver us! God wants to make us, shape us, mold us and prepare us for true end time ministry. We may not be "perfect" for the job, but if we bring our imperfections to Him, He will make us "right" for the job!..........WILL YOU STAND?!?!

Please revisit WWW.WEEKLYRHEMA.BLOGSPOT.COM next week for another Rhema Word from the Lord. Until then, may God richly bless you!


Tuesday, July 31, 2012

THE STORAGE ROOM: Hidden Heart Issues

Greeting loved ones!

It's been awhile since my last blog post, and I sincerely apologize for my absence. I recently had surgery, which unfortunately caused me to take a brief hiatus. However, I'm back now and I have a fresh word and a new vision to share with you, from the Lord.

Please read the following for the details and revelation of the vision, given to me by the Lord. Please also be so kind to share/forward this Rhema Word with every believer you can.

In mid to late April, the Lord showed me another vision. In this vision I was standing in this extremely large church. As I was standing there, I began to look around in amazement at how beautiful this church was. It was truly a gorgeous edifice. It was as if I was on a self guided tour of the building. The sanctuary was exquisitely clean. The chandeliers shined with such brilliant radiance. There were lovely flowers, fancy golden fixtures, and everything seemed to have a glossy finish. Everything was in it's proper place and set up in the spirit of excellence. I continued to look around the church and the more I did, I literally became in awe of it's magnificence.

Finally, I began to head toward the back of the church to the double doors, to exit the sanctuary. As I opened the double doors, I was expecting it to lead me into the the main foyer or lobby. However, when I opened the doors, it led me to what looked like a storage room (that's the best way I can describe it). This room was extremely poorly lit and very dark. However I could tell that there were cracks in the walls of this room. The only light that was in the room, were tiny rays of light that seeped through those cracks. From those tiny rays of light, I could tell that there were tons of boxes and other junk stacked and piled up in this room. There were rows and rows of boxes stacked WAY up high in the room. The boxes had layers and layers of thick dust built up on them. In fact, everything in that room was covered with sheets of dust. Not only was there dust everywhere, but there was an over abundance of spider webs all over the place as well. I entered the room for a closer look. As I stepped inside the room, I noticed that the floor was wooden and raggedy. The floor creaked and crackled as I walked on it (it sounded like an old haunted house in the movies). As I walked on the floor, I had to be extra careful, for fear that I would fall through, because the floor seemed as though it would give a way at anytime. There was a thick cloud of dust in the air. I was literally breathing it in. I could feel the dust entering my nostriles and flowing to my lungs. It began to choke me and it felt like I was literally suffocating.


The Lord began to let me know that the beautiful edifice that I stood gazing in amazement at it's magnificance, represents "The Church" (global body of Christ) of today. The church has learned the "Art of Ministry". The church has learned how to "do" ministry. The church does ministry with excellence and elegance. The church is more educated and studious...more skilled and talented... and operates ministry with more detail and precision. The billboards, flyers and bulletins are all professionally done. The music is on point. The praise and worship is so melodious. The preachers preach with such knowledge and eloquence. However, the church is still lacking something. The church has developed a great image. The church looks and sounds "the part" but there is still something yet missing, and that is the consistent manifestation of the power of God, constantly flowing in and through "her". The church now has the appearance (the form of God), but not the substance (the power of God). The Bible decalred that this day would come, as it is detailed in 2 Timothy 3:5, "Having the form of godliness but denying the power there of". The word that stands out to me is "denying". Which suggests to me that although the modern day church "looks" powerful, there is something denying / preventing / restricting the power of God from flowing freely in the church, so that the church can actually "be" powerful.

The Lord revealed to me that although many in the church are gaining more knowledge and becoming more skillful at ministry, many of them are losing the anointing and becoming powerless to make ministry effective. The Lord went on to let me know that the storage room that I saw, represented the hearts of many in the church. All the boxes and other stuff that I saw packed, stacked and stored away in this room represented hidden issues of the heart, in the lives of many in the church. These boxes weren't just stacked in this room, but they were also completely covered in dust and spider webs. They were dirty, filthy and nasty. This suggests to me that these boxes had been there for a long long time! The Lord went on to let me know that although many of His people/ministers have worked hard to perfect ministry, they have neglected to maintain pureness of heart in the process. Many in the church have allowed stuff to form and build up in their hearts, but are still working in ministry. This build up is called heart issues. In the vision I saw layers of dust and spider webs on those boxes. This lets me know that these are old issues that have been around a while and run very deep (in some cases). The delima is that many in the church aren't allowing God to deliver them from these issues, but rather, they continue to work in ministry. For this cause, many are operating in ministry with unpure hearts, unclean hands and undelivered lives. Yes, ministry is still going forth, but ministry is not as effective or as impactful as it could and/or should be. These heart issues have stifled the power of God from operating in the people of God, to it's full capacity. God cannot use His people the way He so desires, due to the issues of the heart.

In the vision when I walked in the storage room, the dust literally began to choke and sufficate me. The Lord let me know that this is what is happening in the Body of Christ today. The anointing of God is literally being chocked and suffocated due to the hidden heart issues of many that are carrying out ministry. The Hand of God has literally been handcuffed and cannot rest heavily upon His people as the Lord would desire, due to heart issues. Heart issues are preventing God from moving amongst His people as He desires to. The Glory of God has been denied full access in the lives of His people, due to heart issues. These heart issues have literally strangled the five fold ministry and asphyxiated the gifts of the spirit, so much so, that they cannot operate as freely as God desires.

For this cause, more and more ministers are relying on their own individual talents, skills, expertise, know-how and charisma, to make up for the lack of the anointing. Many ministers have turn to entertainment and emotionalism to hype the people up and make them feel good, but unfortunately cannot bring them to a place of freedom and deliverance, due to a lack of power. Many are still preaching, still singing, still playing the music, still ministering, but just like Samson, many have lost the power and don't even realize it, because of heart issues (Judges 16:20). After Samson had lost the source of his power, he shook himself (reaching for the power), but there was no power! The power didn't show up! The church has found "herself" in a very similiar perdicament. Many in the church are jumping, shouting, dancing, hooping, hollering, and having dynamic praise breaks, but there's no power! Just like Samson, the church is doing a lot of shaking and moving, but the power isn't showing up! It used to be a normal thing to see miracles being wrought, healing and deliverances taking place and signs and wonders happening, right on the spot. However, these things are an extreme rarity now-a-way days, because of issues of the heart.

God has anointed many folk in the church with great gifts, for the service of ministry. However, heart issues have restricted the Holy Spirit from fully activiting and utilizing these ministry gifts to their maximum capacities. Heart issues have caused the gifts of God to mixed with leven (sin & iniquity). There are many in the church that God has anointed with the gift of healing hands. However many are laying hands, but the sick aren't being healed nor are they recovering. God has anointed many in the church to prophecy with keen accuracy. However many are prophecying, but the prophecies are missing and they're not coming to pass. God has anointed many preachers to preach deliverance unto His people. However, more and more people are preaching, but less and less folk are being delivered. This is a result of heart issues.

When I walked into the room in the vision, the floor was very weak. It felt like it was about to give way. The Lord let me know that the church has caused it's foundation to be weakened by compromising the Word of God. According to St John 1:1-14, The Word of God is what God founded and established His church on (not just the church but all things). However, many ministers are now preaching a watered down and diluted word, thus weakening the very foundation that the church was built on. They have led folk to believe that it's ok to "actively" operate in ministry while sin is "actively" operating in their lives. In fact many ministers are carrying out ministry while carrying hidden issues in their hearts themselves. Many in the church have suppressed these heart issues, and have not allowed God to fully deliver them from these issues.

As a result, the pureness of ministry has been lost and is now tanted, as more and more people are handling the holy things of God with filthy hands. Many in the church know the word of God, but don't live it. The word is deeply rooted in their heads and memory banks, but not in their hearts and spirits. Many of our musicians play awesomely, but more and more of them are full of lust, as a dog is flees. Many of our worship leaders and choirs sing beautifully, but are full of perversion and sexual immorality, as a racoon is rabies. Many of our ministers have become over taken with greed and are taken advantage of God's people in order to grease their palms and fattening their pockets. Many in the church are preaching the Gospel, while holding grudges and unforgiveness in their hearts. Many are doing the work of the Lord, but are full of arrogance and pride as they have allowed their fancy titles, big positions and lofty degrees, to cause them to be haughty and highminded. This has also caused many to look down on others and develop a "better than" attitude as well as a "since of entitlement". God wants His minsters to be meek and humble, not prideful and arrogant (1 Peter 5:5-6).

Many in the church are speaking in tongues, but still telling lies and cheating on their taxes. Many in the church are speaking in tongues, but still cussing when they get angry. Many in the church are speaking in tongues, but can't speak to each other. Many talk about the love of God, but do not exhibit the love of God. Many in the church can preach good, but have bad attitudes, flip mouths and sharp tongues. Many in the church can minister well, but are meaner than a rattlesnake and extremely rude. Many in the church have wonderful testimonies, but they're hateful and don't know how to talk to people. They've been this way for so long, they've marked it as being "who they are"..."it's just their personality", when really it's a heart issue. God wants His people to be sweet and lovely, not mean and nasty (Galations 5:22-23).

In many cases, it's so bad that others have to be careful how they approach them. Others have to tread lightly and walk on egg shells, when they come around, because they never know what mood they're in. They mistreat their spouse. Talk ugly to their children. They treat other folk better than they do their own family. Their family doesn't even like being around them at times. Their children can't stand them and their spouse is about sick and tired of them. This leads me to my next point, if ministry isn't going on at home, it should'nt be going on anywhere! Many ministers are chasing after the pulpit and obtaining many ministry engagements, but aren't even doing ministy in their own household. Their speaking into the lives of others, and not their own family's. Every minister should love, affirm, encourage, pray with and pray for their families. We as ministers, should teach them bible principals that would assist them in everyday life situations. More importantly, we should be standard-bearers of hoilness and examples of Christ in our homes. If we the ministers of God, aren't ministering at home, than we should completely clear off our itineraries and cancel all engagements - because God isn't pleased!

When we as the people of God, refuse to let God deliver us from the heart issues lying dormant in our spirits, we lose access to the power of God. We still have the image (we look powerful), but we no longer obtain the power (the power is gone). However, God is sick and tired of His church working hard to maintain a clean image, but not maintaining a clean heart and a pure spirit. God wants to unleash major revival on the face of the earth, but He wants to use His church to do so. Before He can, He first has to bring revival to the church and prepare them for end time ministry (1 Peter 4:17). God is searching for someone that will cry out to Him like David did in Psalms 51:2, "Wash me throughly from mine iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin"..........God wants somebody to cry out to Him like David did in Psalms 51:7, " Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean. Wash me and I shall be whiter than snow"..........God is waiting for a remnant of folk to cry out Him like David did in Psalms 51:10, "Create in me a clean heart, Oh God; and renew a right spirit within me! God is looking for a people that will make themselves available for His usage. In order to do this, we (The Body of Christ), must allow Him to clean us up and rid us of our heart issues. Years ago national gospel recording artist, Rev Milton Brunson, wrote a song that says, "Lord, I'm avaialable to you. My will I give to you. I'll do what you say do. Use me Lord. To show someone the way. And enable me to say, my storage is empty and I am available to you."

It's time for the church to examine "herself". What issues have you packed away in your heart?......What issues have you allowed to lie dormant in your spirit?......What is preventing the Glory of God from showing up in your life?......What is restricting the Holy Ghost from operating fully in you?......What is denying the Power of God from having full access in your life?......What is keeping the Anointing of God from flowing freely in your life?......Is there anything your heart that would not allow the Hand of God from resting heavily upon your life?......What grudges are you holding?......Who have you not forgiven?......Are you exhibiting the unconditional love of God?......Are you in right standings with God?......Is your heart and spirit pure?......Are you ready to let God clean out your storage room? GOD WANTS TO USE YOU!!  MAKE YOURSELF AVAILABLE TO HIM TODAY!!!

Please revisit WWW.WEEKLYRHEMA.BLOGSPOT.COM next week for another Rhema Word from the Lord. Until then, blessings on ya!.... 


Monday, June 18, 2012


Foundational Text: Hosea 1: 1-2
(Scriptural References: Hosea Chapters 1, 2 & 3)

Jesus Christ paid the ultimate price by giving His life at Calvary, making provision for "The Church" to be His bride. However there is a problem with the "modern church", as the modern church has tanted and diluted the very thing that Christ died for. The modern church has opened herself up to, and taken on, the perverse ways of this world. By doing so, she (the church) has allowed herself to be contaminated and polluted, and has lost her purity. As a result, instead of presenting herself as a "wife" before the presence of the Lord (which is what He died for), she has taken on the position of a "concubine".

A wife is a "free woman" that is legally and officially married to the "bridegroom". A "concubine" is a "bonds woman" (slave), that is in a unofficial "marriage-like" relationship with the bridegroom, but holds a lesser status and standard in society. And because the modern church has not upheld the holy standard of the Lord and has strayed from the righteous ways of God, she (the church) has allowed herself to be bond by sin and enslaved to the works of the flesh. For this reason, many of those in the world, has lost respect for the church and for those that profess to be apart of the church.

There was a time when the church was greatly respected and revered by society and viewed as a place of pureness, sanctity, help, hope, and refuge. However the modern church has been infiltrated by wolves in sheeps clothing. These wolves have planted currupt seeds of erroneous doctrine in the hearts and minds of many. These currupt seeds have sprung up and spread through out the church, causing many to be entangled by worldly things. In the process of being entangled, many have lowered their standard of living but yet profess to be a part of the Body of Christ. For this cause, society views the church in a much different and much lesser light. In many cases, those in society have even mocked, scoffed at and made fun of the church. This has come as a result of the church not maintaining and holding steadfastly to the honor and dignity that God had ordained for her as a "wife", but rather, she (the church) has subjected herself to being nothing more than a "mistress".

The wife is "married woman", who is dedicated to her husband. The wife is one that handles her responsibilities. She carries out her duties. She takes care of her husband and their children. She cooks, cleans and in most cases balances the budget. The wife nurtures and tends to her family. The mistress is a "kept woman". The mistress doesn't have to cook or clean or nurture or take care of anyone but instead she herself is the one being nurtured and taken care of. The mistress is wined and dined and doesn't have any duties or responsibilites to up hold, but rather she IS the responsibility.

This is the exactly where the church is today. The church wants to be kept and nurtured by God, but modern church, has not maintained her responsibilities to God. One of the churches major responsibilities to God is recorded in Romans 12: 1, "I Beseech you therefore brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service." It is the church's responsibility to present herself HOLY before the Lord! The Bridegroom (Jesus Christ) is holy! The bridegroom (Jesus Christ) is righteous! IF the Bridegroom (Jesus Christ) is holy, then He expect His bride (The Church) to be holy also! fact, He commands her to be......"BE YE HOLY, FOR I AM HOLY " (1 Peter 1: 16)! However, many in the church has not upheld this holy standard, but continue to testify of their relationship with God. The problem is, the relationship that they have, is not the one God has chosen. It is not a relationship of husband and wife, but rather they have limited their relationship to being merely "friends with benefits".

Friends with benefits enter into an intimate relationship, but with no strings attached with no commitments! Many in the church want the benefits of being the wife, but they just don't want to commit to being the wife. They want the blessings...they want the miracles...the healings...and the ways to be made out of no way...but they don't want to commit to living right! They want God to meet their their bills when they don't have any money...heal their bodies when their sick...and open up closed doors...but they don't want to dedicate themselves unto the Lord! In fact many have resisted committing themselves to God. They know God is calling them to a closer more intimate relationship with Him, but they keeping fighting it. They know God is calling them to a higher height, but they refuse to answer the call. They know God is calling them to a deeper depth in Him, but they continue to run away from it and find themselves running back into more sinful works of the flesh! As a result, they have forfeited their wifely status and have fallen to the status of a "harlot".

We find a similar story in our Foundational Text. God spoke to the Prophet Hosea and instructed him to take a harlot to be his wife. A harlot is a whore, prostitute and/or tramp. The Lord wanted to show the Prophet what it felt like to a have a whore as a wife. He wanted him to understand His disapointment, betrayal, unfaithfulness, and the pain and heartbreak of loving someone with all your heart, but not have the same measure of love returned. However, the more you love them, the more they continue to run out on you and commit adultress acts against you. God had done so much for the people of Isreal, but yet they continued to leave him to worship idols such as Baal.

The church has done this same thing.  The church has runaway from being the wife that God has called her to be and committed whoredoms with the world!  Rather than running to God, instead many in the church run away from God and into sin. Some run into sexual immorality and fornication. Now-a-days, some are running into homosexuality and lesbianism.  Others are running to pornagraphy, drug and other type of addictions. Lust and promiscuity is running rampant in the church. The church has been over taken by money hungry and celebrity driven preachers. God has been to good to the church for her to continue to be a Runaway Bride. However, from midst of The Runaway Bride, God is calling forth a people that will uphold His standard of righteousness and holiness. God is now looking for someone that will commit, dedicate and set themselves apart for the master's use. God is on the lookout for someone that will stand up in the midst of a dying world and a sin sick church and proclaim as Joshua did, AS FOR ME AND MY HOUSE WE WILL SERVE THE LORD (Joshua 24: 15)!! God wants someone that will determine in their heart soul and mind as Paul did, NOTHING SHALL SEPERATE ME FROM THE LOVE OF GOD (Romans 8: 38-39)!! God needs someone that will declare as Esther did, IF I PERISH, LET ME PERISH, I'M GOING TO SEE THE KING (Esther 4:16)!! other words, for God I'll live and for God I'll die. I surrender my life totally to Him......This is what God wants! God is searching for someone that love him with their whole heart. God is rejecting The Runaway Bride and is now calling forth a remnant of people that will rise up and be that Bride of Honor, Dignity, and Excellence that He ordained for the church to be originally!......WHAT KIND OF BRIDE ARE YOU?!?!

Please revisit WWW.WEEKLYRHEMA.BLOGSPOT.COM next week for another Rhema Word from the Lord.  Until then, Grace and peace...


Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Whatever "He" Says, DO IT!!

Foundational Text: St. John 2: 1-10
(Highlighted Scripture: St. John 2: 5)

It was the night of January 2, 2012 (Monday) heading into the morning of January 3, 2012 (Tuesday), when God showed me the vision of the The Great Falling Away. For the course of the next two weeks, God provided the details, revelation and insight pertaining to the vision. Afterwards, God begin to deal with me about sharing what he showed me with the "entire Body of Christ", on a global scale.

Now I must confess even though God spoke this to me, my initial thoughts were to share it with a few friends, loved ones and my local church family (Washington Park Church of God in Orlando, FL) and that would be it. Once I begin to share it with friends and loved ones, God open a door for me to share the vision and it's details live on the radio on Rejoice 1140am with Grace Worthy Ministries. Afterwards I had the opportunity to share with my local church. This is when I saw God move in a way I have never seen before in my entire life!!! Once I shared the vision, people literally rushed and flooded the alter. People were literally almost stumbling and tripping over one another trying to find a spot on the alter to kneel. As the alter filled, people began to kneel  on the front pews. As the front pews filled, people began kneeling wherever they could find a the middle of the the their seats...wherever they could! Almost ever soul in the entire church began to cry out to God with all their might!!....ministers...deacons....mothers....members.....even guest and visitors were crying out to Lord! I've NEVER seen anything like it!! The spirit of repentance and revival bombarded the sanctuary!! Lives were being changed and transformed. People were being renewed, restored, refreshed and rejuvenated spiritually. People were resubmitting, re-yielding, rededicating and recommitting themselves to God! It was as if everyone had had a "Great Spiritual Awakening" and was experiencing "Person Revival" in their own individual lives!

Then the Lord began to deal with me even more.  He spoke to me and said, "This is why you must share the vision and the revelation with the ENTIRE Body of Christ." God knew my heart. He knew my thoughts. He knew that I wasn't serious (at that time) about taking this word globally. God continued to speak to me and told me, that every believer that will hear, receive and adhere to this word, will experience a Personal Revival in their own individual lives and those that do not receive, but have read, will be held accountable.  (it's coming up again in Judgement).  Can you imagine if every believer in this entire world, experienced personal revival all at the same time....or about/around the same time??? Can you imagine how the Glory of God would overshadow the face of this earth??? Can you imagine how the the power of God would sweep across this world??? Can you imagine how God would move in and upon this land??? It would be the real life manifestation of 2 Chronicles 7:14!!......"If my people which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land!"......Not only that, but Joel 2: 28 would also be manifested......"And it shall come to pass afterwards, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy and your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men shall see visions!" God then let me know, that as each believer experiences "personal revival", this will then cause a Great Spiritual Awakening to breath forth in The Church (world wide).

Now I must confess again, I began to toil with God in my spirit about this. I told God, "First of all I don't even know where to start. I don't even know how to get this message to the entire Body of Christ. Secondly, this is a very important message that the church needs to hear, but if I share it, people may not take it seriously, because no one knows who I am." (Let me be ebonic for a minute)......I told God, "I ain't nobody big or special. I'm just a lil chubby country boy from Bushnell, FL (Sumter County), who now lives in Orlando, FL. They (The Church) may not receive this word from me. There are more popular preachers and more well known ministers, with much bigger names, with way more influence, that carries more clout and weight in The Church and huge followings, that people (The Church) will be more willing to receive and accept this word from. It may not be effective if I tell them."  The Lord responded to me and informed me that He could have chosen anybody in the entire world for this assignment, but He chose me!....Oh my God, just the thought of that last statement is bringing tears to my eyes.....The Lord went on to tell me that it wasn't my job to produce the "Revival" and the "Great Awakening". However, my job is simply/only to share what He showed me and that it was His job is to produce the "Revival" and the "Great Awakening"! Further more God explained to me that He can't do His job, until I do my job. However, If I didn't do my job, He will find someone that will. It was then that I repented for my hesitation to obey God, accepted the assignment and decided that I didn't want God to have to find someone else. I wanted to be that someone!...I AM that someone!!!

God then gave me inspiration to start this Blog as an attempt to obey him and as an effort to accomplish the task that He had assigned to my hands. The blog has been running for seven weeks now and in those seven weeks, God has allowed it to viewed 730 times and by 9 different countries - and counting.

(USA = 701  ;  UK = 11  ;  Russia = 6  ;  Mauritius = 5  ;  Germany = 4  ;  Maylasia = 2  ;  Bahamas = 2  ;  Canada = 2  ;  South Africa = 1)

I've said all that, to say this, "Whatever God is calling you to do in this last hour, DO IT!!!" Whatever God has assigned your hands to do, DO IT!!! Whatever mandate God has placed on your life, DO IT!!! Whatever God is speaking into your spirit and dealing with you about, DO IT!!!  You may not have the backing or the support you'd like to have, but DO IT ANYHOW!!!  You may not have all the resources you feel you need, but DO IT ANYWAY!!!  You may not get the response you're looking for, but go ahead and DO IT!!!  Many people may not believe God sent you, but get up and DO IT!!!  Many people may not hear or receive, but yet and still, DO IT!!!  You may encounter mochers, scoffers, nay sayers, and even hatters, but you've got to DO IT!!!  No matter how large it seems or no matter how small you may think it is, JUST DO IT!!!

In our Foundational Text, Jesus and His disciples are guests at a wedding, but they had no wine at the wedding. Mary, Jesus' mother turns to Him and says, "They have no wine".  Jesus' responded, "It is not my time yet.", meaning it wasn't time for Him to step to the for front with regard to His ministry. Mary did not exchange words with Jesus. She immediately turned to the servants and said, "Whatever He says, do it! (St. John 2: 5)"   Even though it may not have been Jesus' time, however, there still was a need.  Anytime (and anywhere) there is a need, the Lord is provoked to move.  Jesus then instructed the servants to go fill some water pots with water and serve it to the guests. The servants obeyed the voice of the Lord and somewhere between filling the pots with water and serving it to the guests, the water had been turned into wine.  Their obedience to the Lord had brought forth a miracle!

That overwhelming unction that you keep feeling on the inside is God tugging on your heart and pulling on your spirit, trying to provoke to action.  That unquenchable urge that you keep feeling in the pit of your stomach is God, trying to inspire to move.  I submit to you, that your next miracle will come as a direct result, of your obedience to what God is calling you to do right now!  The next move of God for your life depends on your willingness to obey what God is dealing with you on and instructing you to do now.  Sometimes God calls us to things that seems to for fetched an unrealistic at times. Sometimes it seems like He's speaking something to us that is to big and to daunting of a task to carry out. Sometimes the assignments that God calls us to can be extremely overwhelming.  Sometimes it seems that what God is asking of us is unobtainable and unachievable.  Sometimes it seems that we're to insignificant and to inadequate to accomplish to the assignment. You may not even know exactly what to do or how to do it, but if you come to God with a willing heart and an obedient spirit, God is able to lead and guide you through the process. He's able to direct you through the process. He just wants to know if you're willing to follow Him through it. Once you start, it may even seem like what you're doing isn't effective - it's not working.  It may seem like you're not making a difference.  It may seem like no one else is concerned about this matter but you.  It may seem like no one else cares but you.  However, I have a word from the Lord for you today, if you produce the obedience, God will produce the results!  Whatever vision God has given you and/or placed in your spirit, He will also make provision, so that the vision can come to pass!

Then there are other times when it seems that God has instructed you to do something that seems insignificant and unimportant. However, I want to encourage you and let you know, if God is speaking to you and dealing with you about it, than there is a need for what He is calling you to do. And just like at the wedding from our Foundational Text, God has been provoked to move on behalf of that need and He has chosen to move through you!   He could have chosen anybody on the face of this earth, but He chose you! Your obedience to what He is calling you to do at this moment, will produce the next blessing and breakthrough in your life.......WHATEVER "HE" SAYS, DO IT!!!!!!

Please revisit WWW.WEEKLYRHEMA.BLOGSPOT.COM next week for another Rhema Word from the Lord. Until then, Grace and peace be unto you!


Sunday, June 3, 2012

A VISION FROM THE LORD: The Great Falling Away (Part 6)

NOTE: In order to fully understand what it is the Lord is saying to The Church in this hour, through this vision, please be sure to read Parts 1 - 5 (if you haven't already) before proceeding.......Thank you!

Please read the following for Part 6 of The Vision: The Conclusion & Final Plee/ Warning..........


Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter, fear God and keep his commandments for this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good or whether it be evil (Ecclesiastes 12: 13)........

The Rise of the new "Liberal Christian" and the new "Doctrine of Grace" are major reasons for The Great Falling Away. The Liberal Christian believes that God tolerates sin. Their position is, that He (God) knows we can’t live “all the way” holy. He does not expect us to live all the way by His word. The Liberal Christian chooses what parts of the word they want to live by and when they want to live by them. The Liberal Christian also manipulates the word of God to justify their wrong. The Liberal Christian talks a Godly talk, but can't walk a Godly walk. They believe that they can make it into Heaven; even if they are actively practicing a life of sin every day. They believe that God loves us to much to send us to hell. They believe that as long as I praise God and work for God in the ministry, He is ok with what I do and say; even though it may conflict with His word (he will give me a pass). After all, He knows that we are human and that we sometimes fall to temptation. If someone tries to correct the Liberal Christian or encourage them to line up totally to God's word, they will accuse you of judging.....and no one can judge them but God. They get angry when you tell them about their sin. They are quick to tell you the following: "I'm grown!...You can’t judge me!...I can do what I want to do when I get ready…God knows my heart!...I may not do everything right, but he knows I love Him. I’m not perfect…I don’t let nobody tell me I’m not saved!”

The Liberal Christian loves church, but doesn't want to change. The Liberal Christian has no problem speaking in tongues on Sunday and cussing and lying on Monday. The Liberal Christian has no problem dancing in the club on Saturday night and jumping and shouting on Sunday morning. The Liberal Christian doesn't faithfully pay their tithes, but they faithfully play the lottery and don’t see anything wrong with it. The Liberal Christian listens to both gospel and secular music (hip hop & R&B) and doesn't see a problem with it. They can shack and fornicate and still serve on the praise team, choir and music committee with no problem. They can drink and smoke, and still serve on the deacon board without being convicted. They can gossip and backbite, and still serve on the mother’s board with no remorse. They can whore-hop, sleep around and still preach the Gospel right on. They love doing ministry work, but don’t want to surrender/ sell out all the way to God. They want the benefits and blessings of God, but don't want to walk in total obedience to Him. They resist fully submitting to the will and ways of the Lord, but rather fully indulging in their own fleshly desires. They used the Word of God to justify their wrong, making the word fit their lives, rather than making their life fit and line up with the Word. They believe on Jesus Christ, but they don't believe in Him (There's a difference). They believe He is the messiah and only begotten son of the father, but they don't believe in His power to enter their lives, change their hearts, break their habits and enable them to overcome the temptations of this world (1 Corinthians 10:13). They have enough faith to get stuff from God, but not enough faith to get delivered from sin.

The Grace Doctrine teaches that one can do whatever they want to do and participate in sinful activity whenever they feel like it, because God is a forgiving God. It teaches that we can flip flop back and forth between the church and the world as much as we want, because God is a merciful God. It teaches that we can sleep around as much as we want without being married, because God is so full of grace. This doctrine teaches that Jesus already died for our sins; so in essence, this allows us to sin all we want, because he has already paid for ALL of our sins (old and new sins, current and future sins).

This Grace Doctrine has made grace into an excuse to do what we want, when we want, how we want and who want to do it to (and with). It has made grace in essence, a get out of jail free card. These Grace Doctrine teachers have it partially right....God did indeed die for our sins…God is merciful...God is forgiving...God is full of grace, but he never intended for His grace to be our license to sin, but rather our liberty from sin! God knew that we were liable to make mistakes, so he provided grace for us. However, there is a HUGE difference between a mistake/ accident and a continual deliberate intentional constant practice of sin. A mistake means I had full intentions to do right, live right, and please God, but in the process of trying to do right, I messed up, I missed the mark, I came up short. For this cause God has provided grace for us. However, if we are not careful, we will begin making the same mistake repeatedly (over and over), then on a daily basis (every single day), and then we begin making the same mistake multiple times a day. Eventually, what was a mistake now becomes a practice. Then practices when repeated, become habits. Then if we continue on flip flopping between grace and sin, it will move from habit to stronghold. So what happens is the individual goes from controlling or managing the sin, to now being controlled by the sin (stronghold). Once this happens, they can’t stop doing it even if they wanted to, because now it has literally intertwined with the essence of their inner most being and has taken possession of their life – you become a slave to sin (Romans 6: 16 & John 8: 34). God then has to literally do spiritual surgery and cut that mess out of our lives and make us free – IF we TOTALLY surrender to Him (Romans 6: 18).  The Grace Doctrine teachers are absolutely right in that no matter what we do (wrong), God will indeed forgive us IF we repent.  However, God does not want us to abuse, missuse and take advantage of His grace and mercy.  IF we insist on continuing in this way, God will allow us to be turned over to a reprobate mind (Romans 1: 28-32).  When this happends, we lose our conviction.  We get to the place were we can boldly step outside of God's will whenever we feel like it with no sense of guilt or remorse for doing it.  We then get to the place where we can commit sin without feeling bad for it or being convicted of it.  Since we're no longer being convicted in our spirits for doing wrong, we never ask for forgiveness, because we no longer see the need too.  We no longer acknowledge or recognize our sinful deeds as sin, so we no longer approach the throne of grace to receive grace...or mercy!  This is the part they (the Grace Doctrine teachers) are leaving out!  God wants us to grow so much in our relationship with Him, that our desire to love Him supercedes our desire to sin (Romans 6: 1-23).  God understands that we are faced with many temptation on a daily basis, but God also knows that He did not leave us defenseless against the temptation, but with every temptation, He has provided a way of escape (1 Corinthians 10: 13).  God wants us as Christians to mature to a place in Him where we are able (and willing) to choose to walk through/ in the "way of ecsape" rather than falling into temptation.  

So you see, according to how the Lord revealed it to me, The Great Falling Away is not so much of a physical fall, but an internal/ spiritual one. It's not so much that people will denounce God...or quit claiming Jesus Christ as their savior...or stop going to church (this is a part of it, but not the major focal point), however the major focal point, is that people will still be in church (holding offices, carrying titles, working in ministry...etc.), but it's the falling away of the heart from God. Still claiming Jesus, still confessing salvation, still professing their love for God, when actually (and in many cases unknowingly) they have fallen away from God in their hearts...proclaiming their love for God with their mouths, but their hearts are FAR from Him (Isaiah 29:13 & Mathew 15:7-9).

The Lord gave me this little illustration….A young man (we will call him Harry) and a young lady (we will call her Sally), are in a relationship together. Unfortunately, this is a one sided relationship or one sided love affair. Sally loves Harry with all of her heart. She is totally committed to him. She is completely faithful to him. She’s madly in love with Him. However, Harry has other women on the side. Although he claims Sally is his “main squeeze”, he has other love affairs on the side. Harry cares a whole lot about Sally; he doesn’t really love her though. He only loves what Sally can do for him. He loves how Sally cooks for him. He loves how Sally washes and folds his clothes. He loves how good Sally takes care of him and how good she makes him feel. He loves how Sally caters to his every need. He loves what Sally can do for him, but he doesn’t love Sally. In fact, Sally doesn’t hear from Harry until Harry needs something. If Harry doesn’t need anything, he doesn’t come by, call, text, email, or send her a message on Facebook……….And so finally, the Lord says, "the church doesn't love me anymore; they love what I can do for them. The church doesn't love me; they love the fact that I'm a way maker. They love the fact that I can heal their bodies when they get sick and afflicted. They love the fact that I'm a miracle worker, but they don't love me. They love the fact that I can pay their bills for them when they don’t have the money.” The Lord says, "The only time I hear from my church  is when something bad happens or they fall on hard times or they need me to move on their behalf....they don't love me, they love my wondrous works." The Lord says, they kicked me out of my church, but they kept the blessings I gave them. They put me out of my church, but they kept the miracles I performed for them. They kept the ways that I made for them. They kept the healings that I wrought for them, but they pushed me out. They want the “blessings” (stuff), but not the “blesser” (The Lord). The Lord says, "I was beaten for my church...I took a crown of thorns for my church...I was pierced in the side for my church...I shed blood for my church...I hung on the cross for my church...I died for my church…I resurrected for my church”…The Lord says, "I WANT BACK IN MY CHURCH!!!!"

If we're not careful, we all can be in this position and could find ourselves falling away.  NO ONE is exempt from this!  We all must take inventory of our lives (1 Corinthians 10: 11-12).  Examine ourselves to see if we've neglected God in see if we've strayed away from Him in any manner.  The only way to prevent ourselves from falling away, is to tie ourselves to the horns of the alter and seek His face, submerge ourselves in His word and hide His word deeeeeeep within our hearts, and get wrapped up, tied up and tangled all up in Jesus Christ and allow him to live on the inside of us! This is our only hope to survive The Great Falling Away. Please don't take this for granted and please don't take it lightly. We (the church) must search ourselves. Let's go before God with a repentant heart. Let's do our first work over again. Return to our first love (every last one of us in the Body of Christ). Go back to the old land mark (Jeremiah 6: 16). Let’s let God take us back to the place where we received Him. Let's go back to how we were when we first got saved. Let's rekindle the fire (our hunger) and renew the passion (our thirst) for God - not stuff! Let us turn to Him and repent for polluting the holy and precious things of God. Let us repent for putting His blessings before Him and God will restore us (the church) and put us back in a place of purity (Isaiah 55: 7)..........TODAY IF YOU HEAR HIS VOICE, HARDEN NOT YOUR HEARTS(Hebrews 3: 15 & Psalms 95: 7-8).

He that hath an ear let him ear what The Spirit is saying to THE CHURCH (Revelation 2: 29)!!!........

Please revisit WWW.WEEKLYRHEMA.BLOGSPOT.COM next week for another Rhema Word from the Lord.  Until then, The Lord bless you and keep you...The Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you...The Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace!


Sunday, May 27, 2012

A VISION FROM THE LORD: The Great Falling Away (Part 5)

NOTE: In order to fully understand what it is the Lord is saying to The Church in this hour, through this vision, please be sure to read Parts 1 - 4 (if you haven't already) before proceeding.......Thank you!  ***********************************************************************************
Please read the following for Part 5 of The Vision: Even More Revelation..........


Many ministers have become comfortable with handling the Holy things of God, with unclean hands...carrying out ministry, while carrying iniquity in their heart (1 Corinthians 9:27 & Ephesians 4: 1& 2). Many ministers are taking these same unclean hands and praying for folk, causing demons to be transferred. Too many of our ministers are serving God’s people with filthy hands.  Most people wouldn’t put up with this in a natural sense.  Filthy hands contaminate the food and produces disease causing bacteria and germs on food, which makes those that consume it sick.  Here's a little illustration.  A chef is preparing dinner.  While they're cooking, they're picking their nose and scratching various body parts.  Then they take a break to play with their pets and to use the bathroom.  Then they return to cooking and they've not once washed his or her hands, but just continue to prepare dinner.  Once the dinner was ready, instead of bringing it to you on a nice clean plate, they serve it to you on a nasty, grimy, slimy, disgusting garbage can lid.  Now most people would not receive this food.  The church must hold those that serve and prepare their spiritual food to the same level of accountability. The church must hold there ministers accountable. The church must demand it’s ministers to live HOLY! Too many ministers are proclaiming God’s word with spiritual filth (sin) in their lives and serving the people of God contaminated spiritual food, which is producing spiritual bacteria and germs that is causing many to be spiritually sick! That’s why there’s so many messed up folk in church, because there is too much polluted word being preached!

Instead of leading the sheep, many ministers are now sleeping with the sheep. Ministry is more and more being viewed as a profession, job or career, rather than a calling or a "God ordained" duty. A lot of ministers are in love with ministry, BUT NOT in love with God! They love doing the work of the Lord, but don't spend proper intimate one-on-one time with Him. Many ministers have over inundated themselves with ministry endeavors and engagements, that their personal relationship with God has been adversely affected. Due to an over extensive travel and ministry schedule, they have neglected or shortened the time they spend with God in personal prayer, seeking, fasting, studying, meditation, praise and worship, without even realizing it. As a result of being over extended, they began to abbreviate their devotion time with God, almost unknowingly. As a result, ministers begin studying the word of God just to preach on it, but not studying it to live on. They are "learning it" so they can preach to others, but not receiving in for themselves (there's a big difference between learning the word and receiving the word). Learning it puts the word in your head. Receiving it puts it in your spirit! Learning it gives you knowledge, but receiving it gives you revelation! Knowledge gives you theology, which is good, but revelation gives you Rhema, which changes lives! So they're well learned and but not anointed...they're exegetical (can break down the text), but not consecrated! They have the "expertise", but not the power!

In addition to this, in many cases their marriages tend to suffer as they neglect their spouses (for those that are married), without even realizing. Their children (for those that have children) are also adversely affected as well; as they aren't getting the attention they need either. Without even realizing it, many ministers spend more time speaking into other folk’s lives more than they speak into their family's lives. This is one of the major reasons why divorce and family dysfunction in the church has sky rocketed. Many of our ministers are spending too much time on the road, traveling to minister and are spending way too much time away from their spouses (and children), and for way too long. This gives too much room to the enemy to bring temptation (and other devices) to attack their marriages and rebellion (and other devices), to lead their children astray, in an effort to ultimately destroy their families. This is a trick of the enemy to use God's ministry to harm God's people. God never intended His ministry to be the cause of broken marriages and damaged families. The church must remember that the first ministry we are called to is our marriage (if you have a spouse) and our family (if you have children). The church must learn balance in ministry and in life, and not over stretch themselves with ministry projects and engagements, that they are left with no quality time for their marriage and family. Many are going forth in ministry endeavors, "in the name of the Lord", that God has never even signed off on. Some are even going forth in these ministry projects, in hopes to gain a key to the city, and/or to obtain a great name and notoriety in the community. The Lord says, before someone breaks out in a new ministry, they should ask themselves, "Is this for His glory, or for my own???"

Many pastors have unknowingly and without realizing it (in some cases), positioned themselves as "the face" and focal point of their church's ministry, rather than making Jesus the face and focal point. More and more churches have pictures up in and around the church of the pastor, or pastor and first lady, or pastor, first lady and their children, but NO pictures of Jesus! Who are we pointing the people to, Jesus or our-selves?! Any ministry that has been centered on a man (or woman), will not stand. Ministry MUST be centered on JESUS CHRIST (Ephesians 2:20)!

More and more of our pastors are leading their congregation based upon the latest "church fads", rather than the leading of Holy Spirit. Now-a-days, it seems more and more pastors want to have multiple churches in multiple locations. God did not call everyone to do this! More and more ministers are starting their own denominations and church fellowships. God did not call everyone to do this either! Everyone is not called to the apostolic office, but yet more and more people are calling themselves apostles (Revelation 2:2). By trying to follow the fad, many pastors are putting extra unnecessary financial strain and pressure on their members. With multiple churches, comes multiple rents/ mortgages...multiple utility bills...multiple property insurances...etc. This causes a need for more money, which causes a need for more offerings to be raised and more fund raising events to be had.

More and more churches are having more fundraising endeavors, than soul winning endeavors. There are more and more fundraisers going on, but yet more and more churches are going into foreclosure every day. This is part of the reason why money (or the love thereof), is ruining the church. More often than not, the money raised is misappropriated, misused and abused, and not alwyas used for the purpose it was raised for. Over time (in most cases) this kills the congregation’s zeal and passion for giving, making them apprehensive and hesitant about doing so, as they do not always see the fruit of their giving, as it relates to the church. When members lose their jobs, get laid off and/or fall on hard times, often times they can't receive any financial assistance from the church, yet the church steadily receives their tithe checks/ money.

More pastors are starting to preach/ teach on Malachi 3:10, as an effort to encourage their members to pay more tithes and give more offerings. However the first part of that scripture ("bring all the tithes in the storehouse") is being highlighted upon, but not the second part("that it might be meat in my house"). More and more members of churches are saying, "I'm paying my tithes, BUT WHERE IS THE MEAT?!?!?!"...Who are we helping?...And why is there no meat in the house, so we can help somebody? Often times the only people benefiting is the pastor and those directly connected to him. IF the Church is doing well enough financially to buy the pastor a brand new Benz, surely they can buy one of the single mothers in the membership, currently with no car, a brand new minivan for her and her kids, at least. If the church is doing well enough to buy the pastor a million dollar home, surely it can buy at least $100,000 home for a family in the membership, currently living in the projects. If the church is doing well enough to send the pastor and His family on a lavish vacation, surely they can send one of the married couples in the membership on a weekend get-a-way, all expenses paid (I commend those pastors and churches that already do this type of outreach). For this cause more and more people in the church are using their would-be tithe money to pay bills as many no longer trust the church (I do not condone this by any means. I’m just sharing what God shared with me).

The Church has even polluted praise. The modern church has turned praise into a method of manipulation to try to hoodwink God into giving us whatever we want. The church has prostituted its praise to get God to give them stuff. If I praise Him, He will give me a financial blessing...If I praise Him, He will give me the promotion...If I praise Him, He will give me a new home...If praise Him, He will send me a spouse...If I praise Him he will bring my child out of prison...If I praise Him, He will heal my body...etc. In much the same fashion as the Indians would do, when they danced before their rain gods to entice them to send rain, so too has the church used its dances of praise to entice God to bless them, because after all, “when praises go up, blessings come down.” This is true, praising God will cause blessings to come down, but the church has perverted and abused it's praises to God. God will in deed bless us when we send up praises unto Him. However, we have made getting things from God, the primary purpose for giving Him praise. Getting stuff from God isn't the primary purpose for praise. We are supposed to praise God, because that's what he credited us to do – GIVE HIM GLORY (Revelation 4:11). We were created to glorify God. This is the primary purpose of praise. If he never gives us another blessing, He's blessed us so much over the course of our lives, that we could praise Him none stop for 24 hours a day (straight), 7 days a week (straight), 365 days a year (straight), 10 years a decade (straight), 10 decades a century (straight) AND THAT STILL WOULDN'T BE ENOUGH!! If he chooses to never bless us again, we still have a debt of praise that we owe unto Him for the innumberable amount of blessings He has already bestowed upon us - and we must pay up....WE OWE GOD OUR PRAISE (Psalms 29: 2)!! God is looking for some folk that will worship and praise Him for who He is to them, and not for what He can do for them or what they can get from Him (John 4: 23)!


Please revisit WWW.WEEKLYRHEMA.BLOGSPOT.COM next week (Sunday) for the Part 6 of this revelatory word from the Lord: The Conclusion & Final Plee/ Warning. Until then, may your hearts be filled with the unspeakable joy of the Lord!!!


Sunday, May 20, 2012

A VISION FROM THE LORD: The Great Falling Away (Part 4)

NOTE: In order to fully understand what it is the Lord is saying to The Church in this hour, through this vision, please be sure to read Parts 1 - 3 (if you haven't already) before proceeding.......Thank you!

Please read the following for Part 4 of The Vision: The Revelation Continued..........


The church has become more commercialized and "business" oriented, rather than "Kingdom" oriented. The church is more interested in "stardom" rather than "servant-hood". The Church is now more concerned with becoming popular, rather than being powerful. The church is all about making a name for them-selves and being uplifted and promoted, rather than promoting and lifting up The Lord Jesus Christ (John 12: 32). The Church is more focused on networking, marketability and branding rather than soul winning. The Church is spending more time chasing fame, rather than God's Glory! Instead of pursuing the presence and glory of God, many are working diligently to establish their own glory for themselves! The Church now has fewer TRUE MINISTERS of the Gospel, but rather more BRAND NAMES of the Gospel. The Church is more interested in having titles, positions, offices, degrees, prestige and recognition rather than being holy, sanctified, righteous, and Godly. The Church has become hungry for accolade and recognition rather than being hungry for more of God. The Church is more thirsty for glamor and prestige, rather than the God's presence!

The Church is now driven by gifts, talent, and "know-how", rather than the voice of God and the leading of the Holy Ghost! There are TONS MORE of extremely skillful preachers, but WAY LESS consecrated ones! More and more of our ministers are depending on their own expertise and personal ability rather than the anointing of the Holy Ghost! Many of our ministers are able to eloquently hoop, holler and preach the crowd out of their seats and into a praise break/dance, but aren't able to preach them out of a lifestyle of sin and into a victorious life over sin. Many of our preachers (and gospel artists) now come with a price tag…if you want me to minister at your church or on your event; you have to commit to paying me a certain amount before I will agree to come. In some cases prices are negotiated and others have SET honorariums (nonnegotiable…it is what it is…take or leave it). But Jesus told the disciples, freely you receive, freely you give (Matthew 10: 8). Now I understand that ministry carries an expense.  I also realize that it takes finance to operate ministry.  Additionally, according to the word of God, the workman is worthy of his (or her) hire (1 Timothy 5:18), and definitely should be, must be and desrves to be blessed monetarily.  However many of our ministers have price gouged the people of God with extreme monetary (and other personal) demands.  The Lord is not pleased with His ministers demanding and dictating to His people what they want to be paid….My house shall be a house of prayer but ye have made it a den of thieves (Luke 19:46).

Now preachers are to the church, what strippers are to the strip club...if they do the right thing...say the right thing...hoop the right way...holler just right...and perform well enough, the congregation/audience will throw money at them. There are even some prophets in the land that charge for a word of prophesy. And the more money many of them get, the more corrupt they become. Money is an amplifier of the heart. It magnifies what's already in one's heart. That's why so many people change after they get lots of money. Sometimes things can lie dormant in our hearts and hide deep within us, without us even realizing it. Sometimes things get suppressed way down on the inside of us, and never fully delivered out of us, without us even knowing it (Jeremiah 17: 9 & 10). Money has a way of unlocking the wickedness and impurities of our hearts. It takes those hidden heart issues that are seemingly unnoticeable, and enlarges it, and suddenly they become glaringly noticeable and extremely evident. Often times, these heart issues still aren't noticed until exposed by some scandal or open shameful event. Money also amplifies what’s in the heart of those who may not have a lot of money yet, but are hungry/ greedy for it though. It drives them to do all types of crazy, evil, wicked, manipulative, conniving, ungodly things in order to obtain it. They will compromise there convictions for it…lie for it…cheat for it...betray and backstab another for it…rob and steal for it…and some will even kill for it (1 Timothy 6:10)! EVERYDAY, we (the church) must cry out to God to purify our hearts and give us pure motives and pure intentions (Psalms 51: 10 & Matthew 5: 8).

The modern day ministry has become nothing more than entertainment. It has become more about charisma and less about the anointing. More and more of our ministers have TONS of charisma, but NO anointing. Charisma will make you feel good, but the anointing will destroy the yoke (Isaiah 10:27)! More and more of our Gospel Artists concentrate more on entertaining the crowds that come to see them, rather than ministering to them! Their focus is more on having exotic beats, edgy songs, and choreographed dance routines, rather than true and sincere spontaneous worship and praise that provokes the presence of God. They are able to make folk get loose in their bodies as they move, buck, jump and sway to their songs, but are still bound and shackled in their spirits. Preachers, pastors, bishops, evangelist, apostles and gospel artist...etc., are falling into sin and away from God (but still in church though), which are causing many of their sheep/ followers to fall (Zechariah 13: 7). Some were barely holding on to start with and couldn't maintain their grip in God once they discovered that the individuals that they looked up to and trusted to feed their spirits and mentor their children, couldn't live by their own teachings...or what they were preaching...or what they were singing.

Many of the ministers have forgotten that ministry is meeting people’s need (spiritually, financially, emotionally, and physically). It seems now-a-days; the only needs being met are the pastor’s needs. Many of our ministers have also forgotten that the word "minister" means servant, or to serve. Instead of being a servant of God and serving God's people, they have gotten to the place where they would much rather be served. Many of them have their own personal servants too (i.e...armor bearers). More and more ministers feel as though they need armor bearers now. Now the armor bearer does have an important place in the Kingdom, but many have used, abused, misused, mistreated, disrespected and belittled the armor bearer. Now-a-days, the armor bearer has been reduced to nothing more than a do-boy (or do-girl), errand runner, fetch dog, go-for and personal servant/ this for me...go get that for me...carry my wife's purse...tote my bible...pick up my my door...hold my me...wipe the sweat off my face...where's my water?...etc. The church has gone way overboard with this foolishness!

Titles, offices, and positions, now dominate the Church. In many cases, they are the direct cause of much of the division, discord, disunity, separation, malice, jealousy and strife in the church. Many in the church have set out on ambitious quests to obtain various positions, offices and titles and have done major damage to one another in the process, as they fuss, fight, bicker and backstab each other over them. Politics have over taken the church and stifled the Five Fold Ministry from operating freely in the church. Friendship and the "buddy system" determine who gets ministry opportunities now in the church. Many people are sitting in positions that they have the “letter” (the skills) for, but not the “spirit” (anointing). Many are holding positions they have the expertise for, but are not consecrated for. Many, are carrying titles that they have the talent and ability for, but not the integrity nor do they up hold the standard of holiness…they have the charisma, but not the character…they have the "head" (the know-how), but not the "heart" (humility). We now have less spiritual fathers/ nurturers, but more spiritual dictators/ tyrants. We have more "pastors", but less "shepherds"...YES, there's a difference (John 10: 1-13)!..Pastors manage God’s people, Shepherds lead God’s people.

Many of our ministers have lost their humility, as they have allowed their titles/ positions/ offices/ degrees to go to their heads. According to Ephesians 4:11-12, these titles and offices are extremely important to the church, but many have polluted these roles, as they have taken on high minded, high and mighty, arrogant and proud spirits, while exhibiting a better than thou attitude with a since of entitlement. Others are doing the work of God, but not maintaining righteous integrity and Godly character, nor upholding the holy standard of God. Many are operating in God's ministry work, while sin is ACTIVELY operating in their lives (St. Matthew 7: 21-23).


Please revisit WWW.WEEKLYRHEMA.BLOGSPOT.COM next week for Part 5 of this revelatory word from the Lord: Even more revelation! Until then, may His peace be with you until we meet again!